To the sea! Sealand and other wannabe states -- Beers at the border bar : No shirt? No passport? No service! -- Stupid things our leaders say and do -- DPRKLOL -- SCREAM (soccer rules everything around me) -- Terra nullius and the neutral zone : not an indie band -- Island living ain't easy -- Gone to the birds? Turkey tails, chicken taxes, and the global economy -- Diplomatic immunity ... revoked! -- What's in a name?
"The scholarly study of international relations tends to go over the same cases, issues, and themes. This book addresses this by challenging readers to think creatively about international politics. It highlights some of the strangest and rarest phenomena in diplomacy and world politics. Comprised of a series of vignettes and organized by common themes like nonsensical borders, quasi-countries, and diplomatic taboos, Weird IR encourages readers to think critically about the discipline without losing one's sense of humor completely"--Publisher's website.
Weird IR.
International relations.
International relations.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Government-- International.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- International Relations-- General.