Intro; Preface; References; Preface to the Second Edition; References; Preface to the First Edition; References; Acknowledgments; Contents; Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 Principles of Operation; 1.2 Quantum Mechanical Effects; 1.3 Experiments and Applications; 1.4 Discussion; References; Chapter 2: The Wiggler Field and Electron Dynamics; 2.1 Helical Wiggler Configurations; 2.1.1 Idealized One-Dimensional Trajectories; 2.1.2 Steady-State Trajectories; 2.1.3 Stability of the Steady-State Trajectories; 2.1.4 Negative-Mass Trajectories; 2.1.5 General Integration of the Orbit Equations.
2.1.6 Trajectories in a Realizable Helical Wiggler2.1.7 Steady-State Trajectories; 2.1.8 Stability of the Steady-State Trajectories; 2.1.9 Negative-Mass Trajectories; 2.1.10 Generalized Trajectories: Larmor and Betatron Oscillations; 2.2 Planar Wiggler Configurations; 2.2.1 Idealized One-Dimensional Trajectories; 2.2.2 Quasi-Steady-State Trajectories; 2.2.3 Negative-Mass Trajectories; 2.2.4 Trajectories in Realizable Planar Wigglers; 2.2.5 Gradient Drifts Due to an Axial Magnetic Field; 2.2.6 Betatron Oscillations; 2.2.7 The Effect of Parabolic Pole Faces; 2.3 Tapered Wiggler Configurations.
2.3.1 The Idealized One-Dimensional Limit2.3.2 The Realizable Three-Dimensional Formulation; 2.3.3 Planar Wiggler Geometries; References; Chapter 3: Incoherent Undulator Radiation; 3.1 Test Particle Formulation; 3.2 The Cold Beam Regime; 3.3 The Temperature-Dominated Regime; References; Chapter 4: Coherent Emission: Linear Theory; 4.1 Phase Space Dynamics and the Pendulum Equation; 4.2 Linear Stability in the Idealized Limit; 4.2.1 Helical Wiggler Configurations; The Source Currents; The Pierce Parameter; The Low-Gain Regime; The High-Gain Regime. Thermal Effects on the Instability4.2.2.6 The Effect of an Axial Magnetic Field; 4.3 Linear Stability in Three Dimensions; 4.3.1 Waveguide Mode Analysis; The Low-Gain Regime; The High-Gain Regime; The Source Currents; The Dispersion Equation; Numerical Solution of the Dispersion Equation; Comparison with Experiment; 4.3.2 Optical Mode Analysis; Helical Wiggler Configurations; The Electron Trajectories; The Dispersion Equation; The Idealized, One-Dimensional Limit; Ming Xie Parameterization; Planar Wiggler Configurations; The Electron Trajectories.
The General Dispersion EquationThe Stability of Beam-Plasma Modes; A Reduced Form of the Dispersion Equation; Dispersive Effects on the Interaction; The Compton and Raman Regimes; The Transition Between the Compton and Raman Regimes; The Effect of an Axial Magnetic Field; The Case of a Weak Magnetic Field; The Case of a Strong Magnetic Field; Thermal Effects on the Instability; 4.2.2 Planar Wiggler Configurations; The Source Currents; The Pierce Parameter and the JJ-Factor; The Low-Gain Regime; The High-Gain Regime; The Compton and Raman Regimes.
This book presents a comprehensive description of the physics of free-electron lasers starting from the fundamentals and proceeding through detailed derivations of the equations describing electron trajectories, and spontaneous and stimulated emission. Linear and nonlinear analyses are described, as are detailed explanations of the nonlinear simulation of a variety of configurations including amplifiers, oscillators, self-amplified spontaneous emission, high-gain harmonic generation, and optical klystrons. Theory and simulation are anchored using comprehensive comparisons with a wide variety of experiments.