Intro; Abbreviations; Contents; About the Author; Chapter 1: Radiation: A Primer; Galactic Cosmic Rays; Solar Particle Events; Radiation Doses on Board the International Space Station; Improving Crew Health; Intravehicular Radiation; Purpose of This Brief; Structure of This Brief; References; Chapter 2: Biomedical Consequences of Exposure to Space Radiation; Central Nervous System Effects; Behavioral Studies of CNS Risks; Altered Neurogenesis; Oxidative Damage; Alzheimer's Disease; Radiation-Induced Bone Loss; Osteitis and Osteoradionecrosis; References.
AstroRad Radiation ShieldReferences; Chapter 7: Acute Radiation Sickness; Signs and Symptoms; Hematopoietic Syndrome; Gastrointestinal Syndrome; Neurovascular Syndrome; Genetic Damage; Management; Deterministic and Stochastic Effects; Stages of Acute Radiation Syndrome; Prodromal Stage; Latent Stage; Dealing with ARS in Deep Space; References; Chapter 8: Treating Acute Radiation Syndrome; Treating Hematopoietic Syndrome; Treating Gastrointestinal Syndrome; Treating Neurovascular Syndrome; General Treatment; Chief Medical Officer's Response to Radiologic Incident.
Chapter 3: Setting Acceptable Risk Levels for AstronautsPermissible Exposure Limits; The ALARA and AHARS Principles; References; Chapter 4: Space Radiation Analysis Group; SRAG Console; SRAG Interfaces; Radiological Support; Radiation Instruments; Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter; Charged Particle Directional Spectrometer; Radiation Area Monitor; Space Radiation Health Officer; Radiation Risk; Protecting Crews During Solar Particle Events; Protecting Deep Space Crews; References; Chapter 5: Radiation Dosimetry and Detection; Operations; Exposure Limits; Passive Dosimetry.
Passive Radiation DosimeterCrew Passive Dosimeter; Active Dosimetry; Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter; Charged Particle Directional Spectrometer; Intra-Vehicular TEPC; European Crew Personal Active Dosimeter; PADLES; ISS Detectors; R-16; DB-8; Liulin; Alteino; ALTEA; DosTel; TRITEL; PAMELA; RAD; Matroshka; References; Chapter 6: Shielding; Water as a Radiation Shield; Magnetic Shielding; Electrical Shielding; Linear Energy Transfer and Relative Biological Effectiveness; Utility and Applications of LET; Polyethylene as a Shielding Material; Hydrogenated Boron Nitride Nanotubes.
The Reality of Treating ARS on a SpacecraftReferences; Chapter 9: Pharmacological Countermeasures; Radiation Injury and Repair; Candidate Radioprotectors; Amifostine; Superoxide Dismutase; Genistein and Captopril; DBIBB; Dietary Antioxidant Supplementation; Nicotinamide Mononucleotide; Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor; Perspectives; References; Chapter 10: Genetic Profiling and Manipulation; The Gattaca Option; Extremophiles; Deinococcus radiodurans; Omics; One Carbon Metabolism Variation; HFE and Oxidative Stress; Micronutrients; Aggregation of Essential Inputs; References; Appendix A.
This brief explores the biological effects of long-term radiation on astronauts in deep space. As missions progress beyond Earth's orbit and away from the protection of its magnetic shielding, astronauts risk constant exposure to higher levels of galactic cosmic rays and solar particle events. The text concisely addresses the full spectrum of biomedical consequences from exposure to space radiation and goes on to present possible ways to mitigate such dangers and protect astronauts within the limitations of existing technologies.