Intro; Preface; Curriculum vitae; Contents; Preparatory Aspects of the Methodology of Analysis; 1 Genesis and Structures of Cohesive Soils; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Mineralogic Composition of Clays; 1.3 Electrostatic Characteristics of Clays; 1.4 Genesis of Clayey Soils; References; 2 Causes of Lanslides in Cohesive Soils; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 The Principle of Effective Stresses; 2.3 Equilibrium Conditions; 2.3.1 Passive Thrust; 2.3.2 Active Thrust; 2.4 The Failure Process (from Bles and Feuga 1981); 2.4.1 Failure of Rocks Under Tension; 2.4.2 Failure of Rocks Under Compression.
2.5 The Influence of Pore-Water PressureReferences; 3 The Dating of Landslides; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 General Overview of Quaternary Subdivisions in Marine Environment; 3.3 Chronostratigraphic Evaluations of Landslide Units; 3.4 Analytical Procedure for the Chronological Evaluation of Pre-Existing Landslides by Means of Tables 3.1 and 3.2-Example Referring to Würm; 3.5 The Importance of a Correct Site Analysis; References; 4 The Pre-failure Deformation; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Development of Cracks Under Compression; 4.3 Analysis of Brittle Deformation.
4.4 Definition and Description of the Various Types of Fractures4.4.1 Diaclases and Joints; 4.4.2 Extension Fractures (Fentes); 4.4.3 Faults; 4.5 Interpretation of the Mechanisms of Fractures Formation; 4.5.1 Introduction; 4.5.2 Formation of Diaclases and Joints; 4.5.3 Formation of Extension Fractures and Fentes; 4.5.4 Formation of Faults; 4.6 The Stress Field; 4.6.1 Identification of the Stress Field; 4.6.2 Stress Field in a Continuous Medium; 4.6.3 Stress Field in a Discontinuous Medium; 4.6.4 Method of the Minimum Dihedral (or Quick Method); 4.7 The Analysis Process; References.
6.4 The North-Eastern Slope of Tricarico6.4.1 Location; 6.4.2 Lithology of the Slope; 6.4.3 Morphological Processes in Place; 6.4.4 Instrumental Monitoring; 6.4.5 Discussion; 6.5 Hydraulic Conductivity and Hydraulic Potential at Failure; References; 7 Landslides Types and Their Failure Mechanisms; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Monotype Landslides; 7.3 Composite Landslides; 7.4 The Great Ancona Landslide; 7.4.1 Chronicle Notes (from Carciofi 1983); 7.4.2 Summary of Damages (from Carciofi 1983); 7.4.3 Geological-Structural Framework of the Landslide; 7.4.4 Morphological Aspects of the Slope.
Methodological and Analytical Aspects5 The Dynamics of Disruptions; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Dynamics of Recent Landslides; 5.2.1 First Environment; 5.2.2 Second Environment; 5.2.3 Third Environment; 5.3 Pre-existing Landslides; 5.3.1 Relation Between Stress and Strain; 5.3.2 Causes of Deformation at Failure; 5.3.3 Reactivation of Pre-existing Landslides; References; 6 The Role of the Coefficient of Permeability K; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 The Effect of Ground Anisotropy on Permeability; 6.3 Consequence of Slopes Erosion on the Variations of the Coefficient of Permeability K.
This book discusses techniques for predicting, preventing and controlling the hydrogeological instability of slopes consisting of cohesive soils. The proposed methodology is practical and innovative, and assumes a dynamic valence in defining the deformation process of underground failure as well as its activation through the assumption of a four-dimensional space-time continuum. This latter aspect is crucial for predicting a landslide in time to control it. At present, predicting, preventing and controlling hydrogeological instability in cohesive soils relies on mathematical modelling using specific software, the predictive reliability of which is rather deficient. Such modelling is based upon deterministic processes, which are entirely unsuitable for dealing with the complexity of vital processes occurring during the genesis of a landslide. In this work, the three-dimensional vision of a landslide as a set of distinct and independent phenomena is abandoned and the prediction and prevention of hydrogeological instability is pursued through the alternative of an indivisible totality of natural phenomena that includes the time factor. The book is of interest to graduates and researchers of applied geology, geotechnical, environmental and civil engineering, as well as professionals in the fields of hydrogeology and natural hazards.