Intro; Preface; Acknowledgements; Abbreviations; Contents; Chapter 1: The Urgent Need for Advancing Urban Sustainability; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Global Environmental Sustainability: Challenges and Potential Solutions; 1.3 Urban Environmental Sustainability: Challenges and Potential Solutions; 1.3.1 General Considerations; 1.3.2 Eco-efficiency; 1.3.3 Urban Transport; 1.3.4 Urban Buildings and Household Energy Use; 1.4 Concluding Remarks and Summary of the Book; References; Chapter 2: Urban Health and Well-Being Challenges; 2.1 Introduction: Global Health and Well-Being Challenges.
2.1.1 Physical Health and Mortality Worldwide2.1.2 Well-Being: Another Component of Health; 2.2 Urban Health in OECD Cities; 2.2.1 Urban Air and Noise Pollution; 2.2.2 Climate Change Effects on Urban Health; 2.2.3 Stress and Mental Illness; 2.2.4 Discussion; 2.3 Urban Health and Liveability in Non-OECD Cities; 2.3.1 Urban Air Pollution and Climate Change Effects; 2.3.2 Mental Health, Well-being and Liveability; 2.4 Urban Health and Liveability in Chinese Cities; 2.4.1 Rapid Urbanisation in China; 2.4.2 Air Pollution in Chinese Cities; 2.4.3 Liveability in Chinese Cities.
2.4.4 Zhuhai City Experiences2.5 Discussion; References; Chapter 3: The Potential for Big data for Urban Sustainability; 3.1 Introduction: Traditional Urban Data Collection; 3.2 Sustainable Cities Will Need a Rising Volume of Data; 3.3 Big Data, the Internet of Things, and Smart Cities; 3.4 Present Applications of Big Data/Internet of Things in Cities; 3.4.1 Structural Health of Buildings and Other Urban Infrastructure; 3.4.2 Waste Management; 3.4.3 Air and Noise Pollution; 3.4.4 Traffic Congestion/Management, and Parking; 3.4.5 Public Transport Information and Promotion.
3.4.6 Pedestrian Traffic Counts3.4.7 Urban Energy Consumption; 3.4.8 Urban Health and Well-Being; 3.4.9 Urban Governance; 3.5 Future Potential for Big Data in Cities; 3.6 Discussion; References; Chapter 4: Barriers to the Implementation of Big Data; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Privacy Problems; 4.3 Security Problems; 4.4 Reliability Problems; 4.5 Technical problems; 4.6 Cost Problems; 4.7 Individual and Institutional Resistance to Big Data Solutions; 4.8 Discussion; References; Chapter 5: Big Data for Sustainable Urban Transport; 5.1 Introduction.
5.1.1 The Portrait of a City from a Transport Viewpoint5.1.2 General Approaches to Sustainable Transport; 5.2 Shifting to More Energy Efficient Modes; 5.2.1 Public Transport; 5.2.2 Non-motorised Transport; 5.3 Reducing the Demand for Urban Transport; 5.3.1 Reducing Travel with IT; 5.3.2 Reducing Freight Transport; 5.4 Raising the Energy and GHG Efficiencies of Urban Transport; 5.4.1 Automated Vehicles: A Possible Solution for Improving Efficiency?; 5.4.2 Improving Vehicle Efficiency; 5.5 Beyond Energy Efficiency: Traveller Well-Being and Comfort.
This book presents a practical framework for the application of big data, cloud, and pervasive and complex systems to sustainable solutions for urban environmental challenges. It covers the technologies, potential, and possible and impact of big data on energy efficiency and the urban environment. The book first introduces key aspects of big data, cloud services, pervasive computing, and mobile technologies from a pragmatic design perspective, including sample open source firmware. Cloud services, mobile and embedded platforms, interfaces, operating system design methods, networking, and middleware are all considered. The authors then explore in detail the framework, design principles, architecture and key components of developing energy systems to support sustainable urban environments. The included case study provides a pathway to improve the eco-efficiency of urban transport, demonstrating how to design an energy efficient next generation urban navigation system by leveraging vast cloud data sets on user-behavior. Ultimately, this resource maps big data's pivotal intersection with rapid global urbanization along the path to a sustainable future.
Springer Nature
Big data.
City planning-- Environmental aspects.
Power resources-- Environmental aspects.
Sustainable development.
Sustainable urban development-- Data processing.
Urban ecology (Sociology)
Alternative & renewable energy sources & technology.