Intro; Contents; Introduction Section: Setting the Stage of Investigation; 1 Leveraging Mathematics Creativity by Using Technology: Questions, Issues, Solutions, and Innovative Paths; Abstract; 1.1 Interest in Looking into Creativity in Mathematics Education Through Technology Lenses: Questions and Issues; 1.2 Multiple Views and Approaches: Enlarging and Deepening Our Knowledge; 1.3 Teaching Practices and Instructional Strategies to Inspire Authentic Creativity; 1.4 Creativity in Technology-Rich Mathematical Environments; 1.5 New Learning Paths and Creative Teaching Approaches.
1.6 Creativity and Advanced Mathematics1.7 Learning from the Theories and Patterns of Students' Creativity; 1.7.1 In What Way Technology Can Foster Creativity in Mathematics: Searching a Common Ground; Enabling; Enriching; Encouraging; Empowering; Engaging; 1.8 Conclusion; References; Teaching Practices and Instructional Strategies to Inspire Authentic Creativity; 2 Screencasting as a Tool to Capture Moments of Authentic Creativity; Abstract; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Designing for Creativity in the Mathematics Classroom; 2.2.1 Defining Creativity.
2.2.2 Developing a Creative Task2.3 Methodology; 2.3.1 Setting and Participants; 2.3.2 Data Collection; 2.3.3 Data Analysis; 2.4 The Case of Abby and Olivia; 2.4.1 The Symmetry Decision; 2.4.2 The Turning Dilemma; 2.4.3 A Tool for Turning; 2.4.4 A Return to Symmetry; 2.5 Discussion; 2.5.1 Problem Solving Insights; 2.5.2 Problem Posing Insights; 2.6 Concluding Thoughts; 2.6.1 Implications for Teacher Preparation; 2.6.2 Limitations; 2.6.3 Directions for Further Research; References.
3 The Create Excellence Framework's Impact on Enhancing Creativity: Examining Elementary Teacher Candidate Mathematics Lesson PlanningAbstract; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Review of Research on How Teachers Teach Creativity Through Real-World Lessons, Collaboration, and Intellectual Risks; 3.3 The Create Excellence Framework; 3.3.1 Cognitive Complexity; 3.3.2 Real-World Learning; Integrated Learning; Learning in the Real World; Collaborating with Field or Discipline Experts; 3.3.3 Engagement; Inquiry-Based Learning; Student-Directed Learning. Collaborating Within and Beyond the Classroom3.3.3.4 Differentiated Learning; 3.3.4 Technology Integration; 3.4 Research Study; 3.4.1 Purpose of the Research; 3.4.2 Research Questions; 3.4.3 Research Method; 3.5 Results; 3.5.1 Research Question One; 3.5.2 Research Question Two; 3.5.3 Research Question Three; 3.5.4 Research Question Four; 3.6 Discussion and Conclusions; 3.7 Implications for Future Research; 3.8 Final Thoughts; References; 4 Impacting Mathematical and Technological Creativity with Dynamic Technology Scaffolding; Abstract.
This volume provides new insights on creativity while focusing on innovative methodological approaches in research and practice of integrating technological tools and environments in mathematics teaching and learning. This work is being built on the discussions at the mini-symposium on Creativity and Technology at the International Conference on Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness (ICMCG) in Denver, USA (2014), and other contributions to the topic. The book emphasizes a diversity of views, a variety of contexts, angles and cultures of thought, as well as mathematical and educational practices. The authors of each chapter explore the potential of technology to foster creative and divergent mathematical thinking, problem solving and problem posing, creative use of dynamic, multimodal and interactive software by teachers and learners, as well as other digital media and tools while widening and enriching transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary connections in mathematics classroom. Along with ground-breaking innovative approaches, the book aims to provide researchers and practitioners with new paths for diversification of opportunities for all students to become more creative and innovative mathematics learners. A framework for dynamic learning conditions of leveraging mathematical creativity with technology is an outcome of the book as well.
Springer Nature
Creativity and technology in mathematics education.