New directions in Irish and Irish American literature
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. Introduction: Memory, Forgetting, and the Imagination -- 2. The Nightmare of History and the Burden of the Past -- 3. The Will to Forget: Nation and Forgetting in Ulysses -- 4. The Memory of the Past: National Memory and Commemoration -- 5. Joyce, Ireland, and the American South: Whiteness, Blackness, and Lost Causes -- 6. Slavery, the South, and Ethical Remembrancing -- 7. Afterword -- Works Cited -- Index.
This book examines the relationships between memory, history, and national identity through an interdisciplinary analysis of James Joyce's works--as well as of literary texts by Kundera, Ford, Fitzgerald, and Walker Percy. Drawing on thinkers such as Nietzsche, Marx, Freud, Luria, Anderson, and Yerushalmi, this study explores the burden of the past and the "nightmare of history" in Ireland and in the American South--from the Battle of Boyne to the Good Friday Agreement, from the Civil War to the 2015 Mother Emanuel killings--back cover.
Springer Nature
Joyce, James,1882-1941-- Criticism and interpretation.