Compassionate management of mental health in the modern workplace /
John A. Quelch, Carin-Isabel Knoop.
Cham, Switzerland :
1 online resource
Includes index.
Intro; Preface; Our Intentions; Framework; Book Organization; Contents; About the Authors; Chapter 1: Mental Health and Work; An "Epidemic of Disengagement": Sleepwalking through Life and Work; Greater Understanding of the Essential Elements of Well-Being; Why Work Matters to Our (Mental) Health; The Opportunity Cost of Unwellness in the Workplace and Beyond; Substance Abuse and Gambling; Beyond the Individual; Illustration: The Wells Fargo Scandal; Unfortunately, We Are Wired for Stress; "Smart Enough to Make Ourselves Sick"112; Even the Birds and the Fish Do It.
Chapter 3: The Challenges of the Modern Workplace: A Brave New Connected WorldThe Tethered Life; Living at Work; The Impact of Speed, Volatility, and Complexity; Doing More of Everything, Except Sleeping; Connected but Alone; Economic/Technological Pressures; The Three "Outs": Burning Out, Boring Out, and Sensing Out; Reflection: What Is the Cost of the Always-On Workplace for You and Your Colleagues?; Chapter 4: Mind the Mind: How Am I Doing and How Can I Do Better?; Manager, Know Thyself! (Ego, Body, and Soul); Do You Recognize Yourself in the Vignette Below?; Monitor Emotions.
Develop Emotional AgilityDon't Be a Superhero; Beware of Busyness as Status Symbol; Be as Honest as Possible; Set the Tone; Observe and Ask; Learn from Other Sectors Such as Sports; Develop Alternative Ways to Manage; Reflection: How Am I Doing?; Chapter 5: Dare to Care: How Are Others Doing, and How Might I Help?; Recognize an Employee at Risk; React to What You Observe; Understanding the Legal Context; Starting the Conversation; Tailor Your Approach: Generational Conversational Styles; Supporting Employees in Recovery/During Reentry.
From Physical to Psychological StressorsMind-Body Connections; What If the Affected Employee Is You?; Reflection: What Do You Think You Know about Mental Health and Its Impact in the Workplace?; Chapter 2: Efforts to Foster Mental Health at Work; Better Norms and Regulations; More Protection against Mental Illness Discrimination; Companies Have Been Investing in Mental Wellness; Mindfulness and Stress Reduction; Creating a Policy; Mental Well-Being as Competitive Advantage; Reflection: What Does Your Organization Do to Promote Mental Health? What Has Changed for the Better?
Understanding That Mental Health Issues Are Seen DifferentlyAsk Employees: Those Who Go and Those Who Stay; Reflection: What Kind of Mental Health Manager Are You?; Chapter 6: Stress About Stressors: What Are Key Inflection Points?; Professional Transitions; Personal Inflection Points; Generational Inflection Points; Emotional Impact of World Events; Get to Know Direct Reports/Important Colleagues; Reflection: Stressors in Your Workplace; Chapter 7: Building Blocks for Mental Health: How Do I Best Manage My Team?; Recruit for Fit; Testing for Wellness and Fit; Encourage Uniqueness.
This proactive guide brings the relationship between work life and mental well-being into sharp focus, surveying common challenges and outlining real-life solutions. The authors' approach posits managers as the chief mental health officers of their teams, offering both a science-based framework for taking stock of their own impact on the workplace and strategies for improvement. Areas for promoting mental wellness include reducing stress and stigma, building a safe climate for talking about mental health issues, recognizing at-risk employees, and embracing diversity and neurodiversity. Emphasizing key questions to which managers should be attuned, the book speaks to its readers--whether in corporate, nonprofit, start-up, or non-business organizations--as a friendly and trusted mentor.^Featured in the coverage: · Mind the mind: how am I doing, and how can I do better? · Dare to care: how are my people doing, and how might I help? · Building blocks for mental health: how do I manage my team? · Stress about stressors: what is constantly changing in the environment? · Changing my organization and beyond: how can I have a greater impact? Compassionate Management of Mental Health in the Modern Workplace holds timely relevance for managers, human resources staff, chief medical officers, development heads in professional service firms, union or employee organization leaders, legal and financial professionals, and others in leadership and coaching positions. "Workplace mental health: Wow! A subject that frightens most managers. If they read this book, they will strengthen their own skills and transform their workplace and our society." Donna E. Shalala, Trustee Professor of Political Science and Health Policy, University of Miami; former U.S.^Secretary of Health and Human Services "Mental health is an underappreciated, and oft-misunderstood challenge that is growing in the modern workplace. This book provides leaders with practical advice to address mental health challenges in their organization and improve productivity and wellbeing. This is a topic that can no longer be ignored by leaders in any field, and a book that will fundamentally change the way we think about and help improve mental health in the workplace." Dominic Barton, Managing Director, McKinsey & Company.
Springer Nature
Compassionate management of mental health in the modern workplace.