Nostalgia, loss and creativity in South-East Europe :
political and cultural representations of the past /
Catharina Raudvere, editor.
Cham, Switzerland :
Palgrave Macmillan,
1 online resource
Modernity, memory and identity in South-East Europe
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; Notes on Contributors; List of Figures; Chapter 1: Loss and Creativity: Affect and Effect. Political and Cultural Representations of the Past in South-East Europe; Imperial and Authoritarian Pasts; Modernity's Many Roads; Loss and Creativity; Inclusion or Exclusion; References; Other Sources; Chapter 2: Transforming a Totalitarian Edifice: Artistic and Ethnographic Engagements with the House of the People in Bucharest; Socialist Construction and Post-socialist Conversion; Artistic Engagements; Capture and Salvage; Downsize and Play; Engage and Transform
"I Miss My Tito Once Again"Conclusion; References; Other Sources; Chapter 7: Domesticating Kemalism: Conflicting Muslim Narratives About Turkey in Interwar Yugoslavia; An Embarrassing Lineage; Yugoslavia Goes Kemalist; Forging an Islamic Kemalism; Inventing Kemalistan; Conclusion; References; Chapter 8: Writing for Survival: Letters of Sarajevo Jews Before Their Liquidation During World War II; Introduction; Bosnian Jewry on the Eve of World War II; Jewish Life in Sarajevo under the NDH; Petitions to the Trustees (povjerenici) of the Jewish Communities; Conclusion; References; Other Sources
Act and PerformTransforming a Totalitarian Edifice: Ethnographic Engagements; References; Chapter 3: Battles of Nostalgic Proportion: The Transformations of Islam-as-Historical-Force in Western Balkan Reconstitutions of the Past; The Albanian Struggle to Remember a European Past; Revision by Way of a Proposal: Deconstructing the Trope that Binds; Theorizing the Disorientation; Conclusion; References; Other Sources; Chapter 4: The Economy of Nostalgia: Communist Pathos Between Politics and Advertisement; The Revival of Stalin's and Tito's Images
Communist Visual Formulas Between Politics and AdvertisementParody of the Revolutionary Pathos in Politics and Advertisement: Vladimir Milovanović's Documentary-Fiction The Face of a Revolution (2012); References; Anonymous Sources; Chapter 5: 'Everything Has Its Place in God's Imaret': Nostalgic Visions of Co-existence in Contemporary Greek Historical Fiction; Introduction; Remembering the Ottoman Past in the Greek Literary Tradition; Nostalgia in Literature and Popular Culture; Co-existence in Two Contemporary Greek Novels; Symbols of Co-existence and Time in an Ottoman Town
Mixing of Greek and Ottoman ElementsOrientalism; The Pain of Others; Meeting of Religions; Nostalgia; Hybridity in the Greek Experience; Cultural Complexity and Criticism of Nationalism; Religious Universalism; Nostalgia; The Transforming Potential of Nostalgia in Historical Fiction; References; Chapter 6: "This Is a Country for You": Yugonostalgia and Antinationalism in the Rock-Music Culture of Bosnia and Herzegovina; Introduction; Nostalgia; "Under the Boot of Nationalism"; "Walter Is Returning, You Are so Gonna Pay Back!"; "A Country for You" and "A Country for Us."
Where nostalgia was once dismissed a wistful dream of a never-never land, the academic focus has shifted to how pieces of the past are assembled as the elements in alternative political thinking as well as in artistic expression. The creative use of the past points to the complexities of the conceptualization of nostalgia, while entering areas where the humanities meet the art world and commerce. This collection of essays shows how this bond is politically and socially visible on different levels, from states to local communities, along with creative developments in art, literature and religious practice. Bringing together scholars from a range of disciplines, the book offers analyses from diverse theoretical perspectives, united by an interest in the political and cultural representations of the past in South-East Europe from a long-term perspective. By emphasising how the relationship between loss and creative inspiration are intertwined in cultural production and history writing, these essays cover themes across South-East Europe and provide an insight into how specific agents - intellectuals, politicians, artists - have represented the past and have looked towards the future.--
Springer Nature
Nostalgia, loss and creativity in South-East Europe.