Intro; Foreword; Acknowledgments; Contents; Notes on Editors and Contributors; List of Figures; List of Tables; Chapter 1: Introduction; Overview of the Book; The Payday Loan Industry in Canada; The Payday Loan Product and Its Usage; Privacy Issues; Regulation of Payday Lending; A Roadmap to the Book; Survey of the Literature; Recent Studies and Their Sources; Industry Dynamics; Corporatization; Online Payday Lending; Unique Issues of Online Loans; Asymmetric Information; Costs Differ for Online Versus Storefront Loans; Online Lenders Less Likely to Follow Regulations.
Chapter 2: A Statistical Profile of Payday Loan Clients from National SurveysIntroduction; The Economic Factors; The Demographic Factors; Frequency of Borrowing and Repeat Borrowing; Regression Results; Conclusions; References; Chapter 3: A Socio-economic Examination of Payday Loan Clients: Why and How People Use Payday Loans; Introduction; Mixed Methods Analysis; Why and How Do People Use Payday Loans: Results from the Survey; Participant Characteristics and Use of Payday Lender Services; Why Use Payday Loans as Opposed to Another Type of Loan?; Payday Loan Fees; Repeat Borrowing.
Online BorrowingWhat Do People Think About Alternatives to Payday Loans: Results from the Focus Group Meeting; Frequency and Period of Use; Purpose for the Payday Loan; Why Payday Loans?; Participant Assessment of Payday and Other Loans; Interest Rates; Repayment Structure and Duration; Loan Size; Credit Reporting; Discussion; References; Chapter 4: A Business Analysis of the Payday Loan Industry; The Business of Payday Lending; The Players in Canada; Follow the Money: Where Does It Come From and Where Does It Go?; Loan Volume, Average Size of Loan, and Loan Losses.
The Internet Lending BusinessOther Borrowing Options in the Alternative Financial Services Sector; Check Cashing; Pawnbroking; Installment Loans; Rent to Own; What Rate Cap Should Canadian Regulators Set?; A Brief Look at the USA and UK Rate Caps; Analyzing Rate Caps for Canada; The Financial Effect of Loan Size Limits and Other Regulations; The Installment Option; Conclusion; Appendix 1: Segment Results of DFC Global Corp; Appendix 2: DFC Global Corp; Appendix 3: BC Aggregate Payday Loan Data; Appendix 4: US Payday Loan Data by State; References.
Troublesome Consumer PracticesRepeating Online Loans; Do Payday Loans Benefit Consumers?; What Do Customers Think About Payday Loans?; Repeat Borrowing; The Situation in the United States; Why So Many Payday Loans?; Consumer Behavior and Literacy; Tunneling; Payday Loan Marketing; Financial Literacy; The Impact of Regulation on Payday Lending; Some New US Payday Loan Regulations; Payday Lender Costs; The Impact of Price Caps; Limiting the Amount of Borrowing; The Impact of General Payday Loan Restrictions; Where We Are Now; References.
This book analyzes the highly contentious payday lending industry, presenting valuable new data collected during Canada's recent regulatory reviews and demonstrating its relevance to payday lending conversations taking place worldwide. The authors treat the industry with a balanced hand by establishing its importance as an example of financialization and acknowledging the complex impact of payday lending services on low-income and credit-constrained clients. Up-to-date data from an interdisciplinary mix of financial, econometric, legal, behavioral economic, and socioeconomic sources -- all in the context of an established Canadian industry -- provide both proponents and opponents of payday lending with valuable evidence for their discussions of how much regulation is required to minimize harmful consequences. These insights from Canada expand a US-centric conversation and provide a key resource for the growing list of countries in which the industry is present, from the UK and Poland to South Africa and Australia.