Luxemburg international studies in political economy
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Foreword; Bibliography; Contents; List of Contributors; List of Figures; The Challenge of the Incompleteness of the Third Volume of Capital for Theoretical and Political Work Today; Marx's Efforts and Results; What Can We Learn from Marx's Excerpts and Notes?; What Can We Gather from Marx's Library?; Marx's Science and Marx's Politics; Possible Reasons for Marx's Failure to Finalise the Second, and Particularly the Third Volume; How to Utilise Marx's Heritage; Historical Optimism and Political Intervention in Marx and in Marxism/Marxian Thought
Another Productive and Challenging 'Incompleteness' of Capital, Volume IIIBibliography; 'Secular Stagnation' and the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall in Marx's Critique of Political Economy; Introduction; The Significance of the Law of the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall in Marx's Critique of Political Economy; The Law of the Tendency of the Rate of Profit to Fall and Growth in Total Profit as Expressions of Accelerated Capital Accumulation; Manifestations of the General Rate of Profit and Forms of Implementation of Capital Accumulation in Production and Investment Decisions
Lessons for Theoretical Work and Left-Wing Policy TodayReferences; Taking Up the Challenge of Living Labour A 'Backwards-Looking Reconstruction' of Recent Italian Debates on Marx's Theory of the Capitalist Mode of Production; Translator's Introductory Remarks; Introduction6; From della Volpe to Colletti; Claudio Napoleoni in the Early 1970s; Recuperating a 'Marxian' Thread: Rubin, Grossmann, and Luxemburg; The Theory of the Monetary Circuit; The Transformation as a 'False Problem', and an Unexpected Sraffa
Manifestation of the Immanent Contradiction in the Production of Surplus Value: Structural Capital Overaccumulation, Financial Instability Through Rising Indebtedness, and the Tendency Towards Secular Stagnation in Capitalist Wealth ProductionCapital's General Rate of Profit in the Federal Republic of Germany (Empirical Illustration); Bibliography; Profit, Elasticity and Nature; Introduction; Capital's 'Living Contradiction'; Elasticity of Capital and Its Limits; Ecology in Marx's Notebooks; Ecological Crisis and Economic Crisis; Bibliography
The Origin of New Value [Neovalore]: Prolongation of Labour and Class Struggle Within ProductionThe Best Is Still to Come; Bibliography; Capitalist Communism: Marx's Theory of the Distribution of Surplus-Value in Volume III of Capital; Part One: Profit and the Rate of Profit; Part Two: The General Rate of Profit and Prices of Production5; Part Four: Commercial Profit8; Part Five: Interest; Part Six: Rent; Part Seven: Revenue and Its Sources; 1868 Letter; Conclusion; Appendix; Marx's Work on Volume III After 1865: Why Did Marx Not Finish Volume III?; References
This book examines what we can gain from a critical reading of Marx's final manuscript and his conclusion of the "systematic presentation" of his critique, which was the basis for Engels's construction of the third volume of his infamous 'Capital'. The text introduces the reader to a key problem´of Marx's largely implicit epistemology, by exploring the systematic character of his exposition and the difference of this kind of 'systematicity' from Hegelian philosophical system construction. The volume contributes to establishing a new understanding of the critique of political economy, as it has been articulated in various debates since the 1960s - especially in France, Germany, and Italy - and as it had already been initiated by Marx and some of his followers, with Rosa Luxemburg in a key role. All the chapters are transdisciplinary in nature, and explore the modern day relevance of Marx's and Luxemburg's theoretical analysis of the dominance of the capitalist mode of production.--