Intro; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; About the Editors; Part I: Basics Knowledge of the Proprioception; 1: Neurophysiology and Assessment of the Proprioception; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Proprioceptive Receptors and Pathways; 1.2.1 Peripheral Receptors and Pathway of Proprioception; 1.2.2 Ruffini Endings, Pacinian Corpuscles, and Golgi-Like Receptors Are Joint Mechanoreceptors; 1.3 Propriospinal Neurons and Pathway of Proprioception; 1.4 Cortical Receptors and Pathway of Proprioception; 1.5 Peripheral Assessment Techniques of Proprioception.
1.6 Cortical Assessment Techniques of ProprioceptionReferences; 2: Posture, Kinesthesia, Foot Sensation, Balance, and Proprioception; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Foot-Subtalar-Ankle Functional Anatomy; 2.3 Foot Mechanoreception; 2.4 Subtalar-Ankle Joint Region Mechanoreception; 2.5 Foot-Subtalar-Ankle Joint Contributions to Standing Balance and Neuromuscular Postural Control; 2.6 Therapeutic Interventions to Enhance Whole-Body Neuromuscular Postural Control Through the Foot; 2.7 Proprioception After Foot and Ankle Surgery; 2.8 Proprioception After Ligament Repair.
2.9 Proprioception After Achilles Tendon Repair2.10 Proprioception After Osteochondral Surgery of the Talar Dome; References; 3: Treatment of the Proprioception and Technology; 3.1 Enhancement of Proprioception with Robot Training, Virtual Reality, and iProprio; 3.1.1 New Technological Materials for Proprioception; 3.2 Assessment of Proprioception with Robotic Devices; References; Part II: Clinical Knowledge of the Proprioception; 4: Proprioception After Shoulder Injury, Surgery, and Rehabilitation; 4.1 Proprioceptive Sense in Glenohumeral Joint.
4.2 Effect of Injury on Proprioceptive Sense4.3 Evaluation of the Proprioceptive Sense; 4.4 Restoration of Proprioceptive Sense; 4.4.1 Role of Surgery on Shoulder Proprioception; 4.4.2 Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; References; 5: Proprioception After Elbow Injury, Surgery, and Rehabilitation; 5.1 Proprioception After Elbow Injury/Surgery and Rehabilitation; 5.2 Elbow Structures Containing Proprioceptive Afferents; 5.3 Injury Models of Elbow; 5.3.1 Trauma; 5.3.2 Idiopathic; 5.3.3 Elbow's Response to Injury, Trauma, and Rehabilitation.
5.3.4 Surgery or Conservative Treatment? Which Is Better for Proprioception?5.4 Assessing Proprioception in Elbow; 5.5 Rehabilitation Approaches After Elbow Injury; 5.5.1 Effects of Taping/Orthotics on Elbow Proprioception; References; 6: Proprioception After Hand and Wrist Injury, Surgery, and Rehabilitation; 6.1 Assessment of Proprioception in the Hand; 6.2 Rehabilitation Program in Wrist Proprioception; 6.2.1 Early-Phase Rehabilitation Methods; 6.2.2 Late-Phase Rehabilitation Methods; 6.3 Proprioception in Orthopaedics Conditions; References.
This book is a comprehensive guide to proprioceptive rehabilitation after orthopaedic and sports surgery. In addition, it equips readers with a thorough understanding of the neurophysiology and assessment of proprioception and clearly explains the relationships between surgical procedures, injuries, and anatomy and proprioception. Proprioception is still an unclear topic for most clinicians and scientists, and this is the first book specifically on proprioception in the context of orthopaedics and sports injuries, surgery, and rehabilitation. After an opening section describing key basic knowledge, individual chapters discuss proprioception after injuries and surgery to different parts of the body and explain the role of proprioceptive training in optimal rehabilitation. Among other topics addressed are proprioception after soft tissue regenerative treatment and the relation between osteoarthritis and proprioception. The book includes numerous descriptions of exercises, photographs, and tables documenting rehabilitation strategies. It will be of value for all students, clinicians, and academicians with an interest in the subject.
Springer Nature
Proprioception in orthopaedics, sports medicine and rehabilitation.
Sports medicine.
MEDICAL-- Physiology.
Orthopaedics & fractures.
SCIENCE-- Life Sciences-- Human Anatomy & Physiology.