Intro; Preface; Contents; Added Mass Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction Solver Based on a Robin Boundary Condition for Pressure; 1 Introduction; 2 Mathematical Model; 2.1 Fluid Governing Equations; 2.2 Solid Governing Equations; 2.3 Conditions at the Fluid-Solid Interface; 2.4 Robin Boundary Condition for Pressure; 3 Numerical Model; 3.1 Discretisation of the Computational Domain; 3.2 Discretisation of the Governing Equations; 3.3 Solution Procedure for Fluid and Solid Models; 3.4 Solution Procedure for Fluid-Structure Interaction; 4 Numerical Results
3 Immersed Body Force Method3.1 Validation; 3.2 Farm Modelling; 4 Optimisation; 5 Conclusions; References; Combining an OpenFOAM®-Based Adjoint Solver with RBF Morphing for Shape Optimization Problems on the RBF4AERO Platform; 1 Introduction; 2 Continuous Adjoint Formulation; 3 RBF-Based Morphing; 4 Optimization Algorithm; 5 Applications; 6 Conclusions; References; Development of a Combined Euler-Euler Euler-Lagrange Slurry Model; 1 Introduction; 2 Current OpenFOAM Models; 3 Solver Development; 3.1 Mesh/Baffles/Regions; 3.2 Interpolation; 3.3 Addition of Particles to the Solver
3.3 Fitting the Displaced Surface Mesh4 Conclusions; References; Cavitating Flow in a 3D Globe Valve; 1 Introduction; 2 Numerical Approach; 2.1 Governing Equations; 2.2 Cavitation Model; 2.3 Turbulence Model; 2.4 Computational Domain; 2.5 Numerical Methodology; 3 Results; 3.1 Operating Conditions; 3.2 Influence of Turbulence on pv; 3.3 Flow Topology; 3.4 Flow Curve; 3.5 Forces on the Stem; 4 Conclusions; References; CFD Analysis and Optimisation of Tidal Turbine Arrays Using OpenFOAM®; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Esturine Tidal Energy; 1.2 Lift/Drag Turbine; 1.3 Project Aims; 2 Detailed CFD
4.1 Wave Propagation in an Elastic Tube4.2 Enclosed Domain: A Balloon-Type Problem; 5 Conclusions; References; CAD-Based Parameterization for Adjoint Optimization; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Boundary Representation; 1.2 NURBS Curves and Surfaces; 1.3 Connecting CAD to CFD; 2 Meshing of the CAD Surfaces; 2.1 Using Dimensionless Parameters; 2.2 Using an Octree Mesh as a Background Mesh; 2.3 Using the Advancing Front Method for Meshing the Surfaces; 3 Changing the Shape of BRep Models; 3.1 Adjoint-Based Optimization and the Continuous Adjoint Technique; 3.2 Volumetric NURBS Free Form Deformation
This book contains selected papers of the 11th OpenFOAM® Workshop that was held in Guimarães, Portugal, June 26 - 30, 2016. The 11th OpenFOAM® Workshop had more than 140 technical/scientific presentations and 30 courses, and was attended by circa 300 individuals, representing 180 institutions and 30 countries, from all continents. The OpenFOAM® Workshop provided a forum for researchers, industrial users, software developers, consultants and academics working with OpenFOAM® technology. The central part of the Workshop was the two-day conference, where presentations and posters on industrial applications and academic research were shown. OpenFOAM® (Open Source Field Operation and Manipulation) is a free, open source computational toolbox that has a larger user base across most areas of engineering and science, from both commercial and academic organizations. As a technology, OpenFOAM® provides an extensive range of features to solve anything from complex fluid flows involving chemical reactions, turbulence and heat transfer, to solid dynamics and electromagnetics, among several others. Additionally, the OpenFOAM technology offers complete freedom to customize and extend its functionalities.