a comparative study with a special focus on Spain /
Alberto López-Basaguren, Leire Escajedo San-Epifanio, editors.
Cham, Switzerland :
1 online resource (viii, 588 pages)
Includes bibliographical references.
Intro; Contents; When Federalism Faces Secession: Presentation of a Theoretical-Practical Analysis of the Spanish Experience in the Light of Co ... ; Part I: Claims for Secession in Western Democracies. A Comparative Overview; Secession and Federalism in the United States: Tools for Managing Regional Conflict in a Pluralist Society; 1 Introduction: Autonomy and Interdependence in Pluralist Society; 2 Secession in the United States; 2.1 Subnational Secession: Then and Now; 2.2 The American Revolution; 2.3 The American Civil War; 3 Federalism in the United States
3.1 The Structure and Function of American Federalism3.2 Federalism as a Strategy for Good Governance; 3.3 Constitutional Indeterminacy and Federalism Theory; 4 Nationhood Amid Forces of Political Entropy and Gravity; 4.1 The U.S. Model and the Alternatives; 4.2 The Forces of Fragmentation and Centralization; 4.2.1 Political Entropy: Toward Disassociation; 4.2.2 Political Gravity: Toward Interconnection; 4.3 Suspended Between Autonomy and Interdependence; 4.3.1 Regional Marginalization in Québec and Kurdistan; 4.3.2 Devolution in the United Kingdom and Spain
3.3 The Courtś Interpretive Style4 Conclusion; References; Competing Claims for Federalism in Complex Political Settings. A Canadian Exploration; 1 Competing Forms of Federal Arrangements; 2 The Québec Case and the Secessionist Track; 3 Options for a New Canada; 4 Concluding Remarks; References; Is the Québec Secession Movement Dead? Perspectives After Canadaś 2015 Federal Election; 1 Introduction; 2 Québec as a Nation; 3 Sovereigntist Parties and the Federal Government: The Interplay of Strategies; 4 The Liberals (1995-2005): Changing the Sovereignty Game with Tough Love
4.4 Secession and the Morality of Inclusion5 Conclusion: Federalism as a Sword and a Shield; References; Legality, Legitimacy, Decisionism and Federalism: An Analysis of the Supreme Court of Canadaś Reasoning in Reference re Seces ... ; 1 The Mobilization of Monistic Identities in the Context of a Secession Attempt; 2 The Courtś Measured Depiction of the Internally Plural Political Communities Making Up the Canadian Federation; 3 The Courtś Non Positivist Constitutional Theory; 3.1 The Courtś Theory of Sources; 3.2 The Courtś Theory of Interpretive Responsibility
5 The Conservatives (2006-2015): From French Kiss to Indifference6 Support for Sovereigntist Parties: Some Quantitative Evidence; 7 Explaining the 2011 NDP Success in Québec; 8 Support for Sovereignty and Independence: Some Quantitative Evidence; 9 Conclusions: The Possibility of a Future Referendum; References; Provincial Integration Through the Senate: Trudeauś (Not Quite) New Era; 1 Introduction; 2 The Starting Point: Harperś Failed Reform Attempt and the Supreme Court; 3 Trudeauś New Approach: A Closer Relation with the Provinces; 3.1 The Electoral Proposals
This volume, incorporating the work of scholars from various parts of the globe, taps the wisdom of the Westphalian (and post-Westphalian) world on the use of federalism and secession as tools for managing regional conflicts. The debate has rarely been more important than it is right now, especially in light of recent events in Catalonia, Scotland, Québec and the Sudan - all unique political contexts raising similar questions about how best to balance competing claims for autonomy, interdependence, political voice, and exit. Exploring how various nations have encountered comparable conflicts, some more and some less successfully, the book broadens the perspectives of scholars, government officials, and citizens struggling to resolve sovereignty conflicts with a full appreciation of the underlying principles they represent.