Originally presented as the author's thesis (doctoral)--European University Institute, 1980.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 232-241).
Foreword -- Acknowledgements -- Table of Contents -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Women -- Bentham�s Censorial Critique of Anti-feministic Prejudices -- Equal Consideration -- Proposals for the Emancipation of Women -- Compensatory Discrimination and the Right to be Different -- The Role of Bentham in the History of Feminism -- The Bentham-Child Stereotype -- 3. Sexual Non-conformists -- Bentham�s Auto-censure -- Sexual Non-conformities and Homosexuality -- Sodom and Gomorrah -- Montesquieu�s Opinion
Sexual Non-conformistsSlaves -- Animals -- Bibliography -- Index
Voltaire�s Opinions and Bentham�s Earlier Views on PopulationBentham�s Neo-Malthusianism -- Male Homosexuality and Women -- Causes of Oppression -- A Utilitarian Re-examination -- Advantages of Proposed Liberty -- Biographical Notes -- 4. Jews -- Bentham�s Defence of Usury -- Religious Toleration -- Bentham�s Personal Attitude Towards the Jews -- 5. The Indigent -- Charity and Utility -- Bentham and Malthus -- Bentham and Place -- 6. Native People of the Colonies -- The Evolution of Bentham�s Political Thought
Bentham and the oppressed
Bentham, Jeremy,1748-1832-- Political and social views.