Antonio Bucchiarone, Nicola Dragoni, Schahram Dustdar, Patricia Lago, Manuel Mazzara, Victor Rivera, Andrey Sadovykh, editors.
Cham :
1 online resource (363 pages)
4.6.1 Ops, DevOps, NoOps
Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- List of Reviewers -- Part I Opening -- Microservices: The Evolution and Extinction of Web Services? -- 1 Introduction -- 2 Web Services Then and Now -- 2.1 SOA(P) Services -- 2.2 RESTful Services -- 2.3 Microservices -- 2.4 Upcoming Faasification -- 3 Challenges -- 3.1 Design Challenges -- 3.2 Development Challenges -- 3.3 Operation Challenges -- 3.4 Discussion -- 4 Microservices on GitHub -- 4.1 Dataset Creation -- 4.2 Quantitative Analysis -- 4.3 Qualitative Analysis -- 4.3.1 The Serverless Panorama -- 5 Conclusions -- References
1 Modernization Challenges -- 1.1 Reason for Change and Traps Along the Journey -- 2 Transformation -- 2.1 Warm-Up and Scale Operations -- 2.2 Release Data as Soon as Possible -- 2.3 Release Quick Win as Soon as Possible -- 2.4 Dig Vertically and Isolate Writes -- 2.5 Domain Boundaries Are Not Data Access -- 2.6 Start with What Brings the Most Business Value -- 2.7 Minimize Dependencies Back to the Monolith ... If You Can -- 3 Analysis Use Case: Blu Age Analyzer -- 3.1 Step 1: Vertical Analysis -- 3.2 Business Domains Definition -- 3.3 Utility Domains Definition -- 4 Reference Roadmap
3 Plan Your Journey -- 4 Defining Your Architecture -- 4.1 Microservice Patterns -- 4.2 Fitness Function and Architecture Definition -- 4.3 Static Analysis: Purpose and Key Features -- 4.4 Analysis: Methodology for Managing Dependencies -- 4.4.1 Peel with Data-Independent Services -- 4.4.2 Peel with Data Eventual Consistency -- 4.4.3 Group Then Peel with Strict Consistency -- 4.5 Domain Boundaries and Deployment Schedule -- 4.5.1 Guarantee Data Consistency -- 4.5.2 Address Configuration Management Issues -- 4.5.3 Database Patterns Pros and Cons -- 4.6 Operating Microservices
4.1 Step Your Architecture and Go the Right Pace -- 5 Conclusions -- References -- Assessing Your Microservice Migration -- 1 Principles -- 1.1 Mimicking Internet Giants and Unicorns -- 1.2 Where Is the Complexity? -- 2 Why Microservice Architecture Is Different -- 2.1 A Zoom-In on Key Characteristics -- 2.1.1 Business Modules -- 2.1.2 Database Per Service -- 2.1.3 API First Design -- 2.1.4 Polyglot Architecture -- 2.2 What Level of Microservice Design Do We Need? -- 2.3 Is a Monolith Too Complex and Too Big? -- 2.3.1 Do We Need Five Releases Per Day? -- 2.3.2 Is Eventual Consistency a Problem?
Size Matters: Microservices Research and Applications -- 1 The Shift Towards Distribution -- 2 Microservices -- 2.1 Microservices vs. Monolith -- 2.2 Microservices vs. SOA -- 2.3 Size Matters: The Organization of Teams -- 3 Research and Applications -- 3.1 Programming Languages -- 3.2 Type Checker -- 3.3 Migration from Monoliths -- 3.4 Education in DevOps -- 3.5 Modeling and Self-Adaptability -- 3.6 Real-Life Software Applications with Microservices -- 3.6.1 Smart Buildings -- 3.6.2 Smart Mobility -- 4 Conclusions -- References -- Part II Migration -- Migrating to Microservices
This book describes in contributions by scientists and practitioners the development of scientific concepts, technologies, engineering techniques and tools for a service-based society. The focus is on microservices, i.e cohesive, independent processes deployed in isolation and equipped with dedicated memory persistence tools, which interact via messages. The book is structured in six parts. Part 1 "Opening" analyzes the new (and old) challenges including service design and specification, data integrity, and consistency management and provides the introductory information needed to successfully digest the remaining parts. Part 2 "Migration" discusses the issue of migration from monoliths to microservices and their loosely coupled architecture. Part 3 "Modeling" introduces a catalog and a taxonomy of the most common microservices anti-patterns and identifies common problems. It also explains the concept of RESTful conversations and presents insights from studying and developing two further modeling approaches. Next, Part 4 is dedicated to various aspects of "Development and Deployment". Part 5 then covers "Applications" of microservices, presenting case studies from Industry 4.0, Netflix, and customized SaaS examples. Eventually, Part 6 focuses on "Education" and reports on experiences made in special programs, both at academic level as a master program course and for practitioners in an industrial training. As only a joint effort between academia and industry can lead to the release of modern paradigm-based programming languages, and subsequently to the deployment of robust and scalable software systems, the book mainly targets researchers in academia and industry who develop tools and applications for microservices.