structural US populism and economic conflicts with Europe and Asia /
Paul J.J. Welfens.
Cham :
Palgrave Macmillan,
1 online resource (374 pages)
What Is Free Trade and How Will Protectionism Affect Income Per Capita in the Long Run?
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Preface; Contents; About the Author; List of Figures; List of Tables; Part I: The Background to Trumpism and Economic Explanations; 1: Introduction; References; 2: Inequality, US Survey Results and Economic Analysis: The Case for Structural Trumpism; Tax Avoidance Problems, Foreign Direct Investment and G20; Income Dispersion; Economic Inequality Approach Versus Cultural Backlash Hypothesis; Relative Income Shares and Absolute Income Levels; US Survey of Consumer Finances: Analysis by Janet Yellen; Effective Real Per Capita Income and Health System Problems
National Economic Policy and Globalization Plus China's GrowthCommon Populism Denominator in the USA and the EU?; Populism in Italy; Inequality Perception; Trumpism and the Conte Government in Italy; References; 5: EU Reform Problems and the Rise of Populism in Europe; Trumpism and Brexit; Brexit and Financial Market Perspectives; US Brexit Perspectives; Regulatory and Security Perspectives; References; Transatlantic Economic Relations; Appendix Part II: Adapted from Welfens (2018c), EIIW Discussion Paper No. 252
Taking Back Control: Wishful Thinking and the International WorldReferences; Part II: Transatlantic Economic Relations; 4: Trade, Employment and Transatlantic Policy Aspects; The NAFTA Trade Conflict, New NAFTA and the US-China Tariff War in a Global Perspective; Skills and Employment Ratios in Industrialized Countries; Heterogeneous Firms, Trade and Employment; The Size of the Transatlantic Effective Per Capita Income Gap; US Imports of EU Cars as a Threat to US Security?; New Trade Conflicts and the Reform of International Organizations
Two Destabilizing Mechanisms of the International Economy: Nationalism and Excessive Banking DeregulationReferences; 3: Protectionist US Policy and Expansionary Fiscal Policy: Ongoing Contradictions; The Political Debate About Trade and Globalization; Trade, Protectionism and Production in a National and Global Perspective; Trump's Fiscal Impulse; Inconsistent Views on the US International Trade Position; What Is the Problem with Globalization?; Globalization and Trade in an International Perspective; US Mid-term Elections 2018
What Drives Health-Care Costs in the US?Council of Economic Advisers: Biased Per Capita Consumption Comparison of the US with Europe; CEA Conjectures on a Comparison of Per Capita Income Between US and Nordic Countries; Measuring Economic Performance; Child Poverty in the US Versus Child Poverty in Switzerland; Policy Priorities in an Open Economy: The Case of Switzerland; What Causes Rising Inequality in OECD Countries?; US Policy Aspects; Populism and the Internet; Political Polarization
"This book is able to explain and analyze what has eluded both scholars and thought leaders in business and the media - how and why populism has grabbed center stage. Highly recommendable."--David B. Audretsch, Indiana University Bloomington, USA "Welfens provides valuable insight into US politics and describes the strategic options for Europe going forward."--Barry Eichengreen, University of California, Berkeley, USA "With great skill Welfens traces the implications of US populism for the global economic system." - Jeffrey D. Sachs, Columbia University, USA "This critique of Trumpþs fiscal and international trade policies and their weak intellectual basis deserves the attention of US and European readers alike" -Richard H. Tilly, University of Münster, Germany What lies behind the Trump victory of 2016 and the US' new raft of economic policies? Is a populist presidency in the United States likely to be a temporary phenomenon or a structural long-term challenge? In an era of declining multilateralism, what can the US still stand to learn from Europe, where several countries have effective lifetime economic welfare equal to that of the US - and what can the EU learn from the US in return? Furthermore, what international economic dynamics can be expected from the Sino-US trade conflict and can globalization be maintained? In this timely volume, Paul Welfens provides a rare, clear-sighted and scholarly analysis of the global problems created by Trump's protectionism and economic policy. He leverages his understanding of these problems to make concrete policy suggestions that could help prevent the world economy from falling back into a variant of the Great Powers regime of the late nineteenth century.
Springer Nature
Global Trump : Structural US Populism and Economic Conflicts with Europe and Asia.