Preface -- Chapter 1: Accentuating the Positive -- Chapter 2: Harm in Contemporary Society -- Chapter 3: Risk Taking -- Chapter 4: Deception: The Great Pretender -- Chapter 5: The Term Psychopathy -- Chapter 6: Definitions of Psychopathy -- Chapter 7: Incidence of Psychopathy -- Chapter 8: Violence and Criminal Psychopathy -- Chapter 9: Relationships with Psychopaths -- Chapter 10: The Victim's Personal Rights -- Chapter 11: Managing the Great Pretender.
This brief offers understanding and insight into how to define, establish, and maintain personal safety to minimize risks of negative encounters with psychopaths. The author, through a behavioral science research lens sprinkled with autobiographical anecdotes, details causes of psychopathy, links between crime and psychopathy, and focuses particular attention on strategies and preventative measures that individuals who encounter psychopathic others can employ to assert their own personal mental and physical well-being.