Over past few years, technologies have experienced boundaries getting blurred and concept of convergence to gain prominence. Harnessing from this, two main tracks for information processing management and communication are held, covering both research and application works of information management, intelligent information processing, interaction management, networking/ telecommunications, and social interaction. This book creates unique opportunity for research convergence among truly diverse technology domains of computer science. Leveraging from this diversity of topics, researchers get to generate novel research ideas by seeking application of their research in a different technology domain. This volume represents the collection of papers presented at the 13th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (IMCOM 2019), held on 4-6 January 2019 in Phuket, Thailand. Out of 228 papers submitted from all around the world 88 papers were accepted for presentations. The 88 contributions to this volume are organized into 5 chapters: Chapter 1. Network Evolution, Chapter 2. Intelligent and Secure Network, Chapter 3. Image and Video Processing, Chapter 4. Information Technology and Society, and Chapter 5. Data Mining and Learning. Our editors wish readers to find this volume informative and enjoyable.
Springer Nature
IMCOM 2019
Electronic data processing-- Management, Congresses.
Human-computer interaction, Congresses.
Mobile communication systems, Congresses.
Ubiquitous computing, Congresses.
COMPUTERS-- Computer Literacy.
COMPUTERS-- Computer Science.
COMPUTERS-- Data Processing.
COMPUTERS-- Hardware-- General.
COMPUTERS-- Information Technology.
COMPUTERS-- Machine Theory.
COMPUTERS-- Reference.
Electronic data processing-- Management.
Human-computer interaction.
Mobile communication systems.
Ubiquitous computing.
COM-- 013000
COM-- 014000
COM-- 018000
COM-- 032000
COM-- 037000
COM-- 052000
COM-- 067000
Choo, Hyunseung
Ismail, Roslan
Lee, Suk-Han
International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication(13th :2019 :, Phuket, Thailand)