Introduction : Visual Political Communication / Darren G. Lilleker, Anastasia Veneti, and Daniel Jackson -- The Digital Transformation of Visual Politics /(Paul Messaris -- The power of visual political communication : pictorial politics through the lens of communication psychology /Darren G. Lilleker -- The Interdisciplinary Roots and Digital Branches of Visual Political Communication Research /Roman Gerodimos -- Visual Methods for Political Communication Research : Modes and Affordances / Luc Pauwels -- From Analogue to Digital Negativity : Attacks and Counterattacks, Satire, and Absurdism on Election Posters Offline and Online / Bengt Johansson and Christina Holtz-Bacha -- Political Parties and Their Pictures : Visual Communication on Instagram in Swedish and Norwegian Election Campaigns / Uta Russmann, Jakob Svensson, and Anders Olof Larsson -- Visual Political Communication in Italian Electoral Campaigns / Edoardo Novelli -- The Visual Presidency of Donald Trump's First Hundred Days : Political Image-Making and Digital Media / Ryan T. Strand and Dan Schill -- Greek Political Leaders on Instragram : Between "Soft" and "Hard" Personalization / Stamatis Poulakidakos and Iliana Giannouli -- The Power of Smiling. How Politicians' Displays of Happiness Affect Viewers' Gaze Behavior and Political Judgments / Michael Sülflow and Marcus Maurer -- #MoreInCommon : Collective Mourning Practices on Twitter and the Iconization of Jo Cox / Katy Parry -- Picturing the Political : Embodied Visuality of Protest Imagery / Bolette B. Blaagaard -- Connective Politics, Videos and Algorithms : YouTube's Mediation of Audiovisual Political Communication / Andrea Medrado, Simone do Vale, and Adilson Cabral.
"This edited volume offers a theoretically driven, empirically grounded survey of the role visual communication plays in political culture, enabling a better understanding of the significance and impact visuals can have as tools of political communication. The advent of new media technologies have created new ways of producing, disseminating and consuming visual communication, the book hence explores the theoretical and methodological underpinnings of visual political communication in the digital age, and how visual communication is employed in a number of key settings. The book is intended as a specialist reading and teaching resource for courses on media, politics, citizenship, activism, social movements, public policy, and communication." --
Communication in politics.
Visual communication.
Communication in politics.
Politics and Government.
Politics and Government.
Politische Kampagne
Politische Kommunikation
Social Media
Visual communication.
Visuelle Kommunikation
Jackson, Daniel, (Lecturer in media and communication)