Intro; Organization; Program Chairs; Program Committee; Preface; Contents; Biomedical Signal Processing; 1 Adaptive Filter Removes Variability Caused by Respiration from Impedance Cardiography Signal; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Method; 2.1 The Adaptive Filter; 2.2 Measurement; 3 Results; 4 Conclusion; References; 2 Electrical Stimulation of Eye Blink in Individuals with Dry Eye Symptoms Caused by Chronic Unilateral Facial Palsy; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Methods; 2.1 Participants; 2.2 Assessment of the Palsy and Ocular Symptoms; 2.3 Equipment and Stimulation Parameters; 2.4 Procedure
2.2 Performance Range2.3 Accuracy and Precision of the LMHF Vibration; 3 Results; 3.1 At Low Frequencies Stimulator Produces Even HMHF Vibration; 3.2 Acceleration and Imaging Data Both Demonstrate Accurately Produced LMHF Vibration; 3.3 High Precision Enables Observing of Cellular Responses to the LMHF Vibration; 4 Discussion; 5 Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; 5 EMG Signal Classification Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Rotation Forest; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Materials and Methods; 2.1 Subjects and Data Acquisition; 2.2 Feature Extraction Using DWT and Dimension Reduction
2.3 Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)2.4 K-Nearest Neighbour (K-NN); 2.5 Support Vector Machine (SVM); 2.6 Naïve Bayes; 2.7 REPTree; 2.8 LADTree; 2.9 C4.5 Decision Tree; 2.10 Random Tree Classifiers; 2.11 Random Forests (RF); 2.12 Rotation Forest (RoF); 3 Results and Discussion; 3.1 Experimental Results; 3.2 Discussion; 4 Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; 6 Impact of High Frequency Electromagnetic Fields on Process of Angiogenesis; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Materials and Methods; 3 Results and Discussion; 4 Conclusions; References
2.5 Data Analysis3 Results; 4 Discussion; Acknowledgements; References; 3 Prescribe and Monitor Physical Activity Through a Community-Based eHealth Program: MOVIDA Platform; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 MOVIDA Platform Concept; 2.1 MOVIDA.cronos; 2.2 MOVIDA.eros; 2.3 MOVIDA.polis; 2.4 MOVIDA.domus; 3 Implementation and Critical Challenges; 4 Conclusions and Future Work; Acknowledgements; References; 4 Miniaturized Stimulator for Imaging of Live Cell Responses to High Frequency Mechanical Vibration; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Materials and Methods; 2.1 Stimulator Design and Working Principle
7 Implementation of Neural Network-Based Classification Approach on Embedded PlatformAbstract; 1 Introduction; 2 State-of-Art; 2.1 Classification Approaches; 2.2 Real-Time FPGA-Based Implementation of EEG Signal Classification Approaches; 3 Neural Networks FPGA-Based Implementation; 4 Datasets and Feature Extraction; 5 Discussion of Results; 6 Conclusion and Outlook; Conflict of Interest Declaration; References; 8 Stereo Laser Speckle Dissimilarity Analysis Using Self-organizing Maps; Abstract; 1 Introduction; 2 Materials and Methods; 2.1 Acquisition Protocol and Equipment
Springer Nature
Cmbebih 2019 : Proceedings of the International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering, 16 ̶̶ 18 May 2019, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Biomedical engineering, Congresses.
Biomedical engineering.
Badnjevic, Almir.
Gurbeta Pokvić, Lejla.
Skrbić, Ranko.
International Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering(2019 :, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina)