Intro; Foreword; Preface; Contents; Contributors; 1: Killing More than Pain: Etiology and Remedy for an Opioid Crisis; Introduction; Context: Origin and Growth in the Use of Opioids; Poppies, Pain, and Panacea; Killing More Than Pain: The Double-Edged Sword of Opioids; Conceptual Models for Understanding Drug Epidemics; Epidemiology of Opioid Misuse, Opioid Use Disorder, and Overdose Deaths; Addressing Opioid Misuse, Disorders, and Overdose Deaths; Reducing Supply and Accessibility to Opioids; Demand Reduction: Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Support Services; Harm Reduction Strategies
AlcoholStimulants; Underlying Psychiatric and Medical Comorbidities; Treatment Medications; Conclusions and Implications for Prevention; References; 3: Neurobiology of Addiction: A Disorder of Choice; Introduction; Changes in Salience Detection; Key Systems; Neurobiological Changes; Behavioral Effects; Changes in Stress Signaling; Key Systems; Neurobiological Changes; Behavioral Effects; Changes in Cognition and Control; Key Systems; Neurobiological Changes; Behavioral Effects; Neurobiology of Opioid Addiction; Opioid-Related Neuroadaptations; Opioid Effects on Salience Detection
Conclusions and Future DirectionsReferences; 2: Epidemiology: Opioid Use and Related Disorders; Overview of the Medical Complications of Opioid Use and the Opioid Overdose Epidemic; Drivers of the Opioid Overdose Epidemic; Opioid Prescribing; Nonmedical Pharmaceutical Opioid Use; Heroin Use; Opioid Use Disorders; Illicitly Manufactured Fentanyl Use; Social, Political, and Economic Factors; Individual-Level Risk and Protective Factors for Opioid Overdose; Opioid Dose, Potency, Duration of Action, Tolerance, and Route of Administration; Polysubstance Use and Polypharmacy; Benzodiazepines
Maintenance TreatmentAgonist Therapy; Buprenorphine; Obtaining the DEA Buprenorphine Waiver; Clinical Use of Buprenorphine; Methadone; Methadone Induction; Antagonist Therapy; Naltrexone; Diversion Control; Non-pharmacological Treatment; Treatment of Opioid Overdose; Additional Considerations; Acute Pain; Concurrent OUD and Other Mental Illness; Integrating Medication Treatment into a Comprehensive Recovery Program for OUD; References; 6: Psychosocial Approaches in the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorders; Introduction; Settings Where Psychosocial OUD Approaches May Be Delivered
Opioid Effects on Stress SystemsOpioid Effects on Cognition and Control Systems; Conclusion: Toward a Framework for Recovery; References; 4: Terminology and Conceptualization of Opioid Use Disorder and Implications for Treatment; Conceptualization of Opioid Addiction; Conceptualization of Opioid Use that Risks Health Consequences; Terminology for Opioid Use that Risks Health Consequences; Terminology for Opioid Use Disorder; Implications of Terminology for Treatment; Conclusions; References; 5: Medication for the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder; Introduction; Treatment of Withdrawal
This book addresses opioids and opioid use disorders from epidemiological, clinical, and public health perspectives. It covers detailed information on the nature of opioids, their effects on the human body and brain, prevention, and treatment of opioid addiction. Unlike other texts, the first section of this volume builds a strong historical, neurobiological, and phenomenological foundation for a deep understanding of the topic and the patient. The second section addresses the most challenging issues clinicians face, including pharmacological and psychosocial treatments, harm reduction approaches, alternative approaches to pain management for the non-specialist, and prescribing guidelines. Treating Opioid Addiction is a valuable resource for psychiatrists, psychologists, addiction medicine physicians, primary care physicians, drug addiction counselors, students, trainees, scholars, and public health officials interested in the effects and impact of opioids in the clinical and epidemiological context. --