Springer-Praxis books in astronautical engineering
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Acknowledgments; Contents; About the Author; 1: The World of Space in Flux; Introduction; The Small Satellite Revolution; Complex and Conflicting Trends in Satellite Communications; Key Technical Trends Fueling Changes in Satellite Applications; Key Innovations in Ground Systems; Advanced Coding Systems; New Frequency Efficiencies and Spectrum Allocations; New Manufacturing and Quality Assurance Capabilities; New Launch System Efficiencies; The Structure of This Book; Conclusions; References; 2: How Satellite Communications Systems Are Changing; Introduction
5: The New Capabilities of Weather Satellites6: New Uses of the Protozone; Introduction; Space Situational Awareness; New Technologies Under Development; The Growing Number of New Applications for the Protozone; High-Altitude Protozone Tourism; UAVs or Balloons for Communications, IT and Earth Observation Services and High-Altitude Platforms (HAPS); Dark Sky Stations; Automated Robotic Air Freighters; Hypersonic Transport Systems; Hypersonic Weapons and Defense Systems; Conclusions; References; 7: On-Orbit Servicing, Active Debris Removal and Repurposing of Defunct Spacecraft; Introduction
Emerging New Capabilities in On-Orbit Serving Around the WorldCoping with Space Debris; Engaging in Active Debris Removal; ConeXpress Orbital Life Extension Vehicle (Sometimes Called ConeX or CX-OLEV); MacDonald Dettwiler and Associates and Space Infrastructure Servicing; Vivisat and Its Mission Extension Vehicle; X-37B OTV -- NASA, U.S. Air Force and DARPA; Sierra Nevada Dreamchaser Spaceplane; The Remove Debris Small Satellite; German DLR DEOS Mission; CleanSpace One -- EPFL; EDDE -- Electro-Dynamic Debris Eliminator; Conclusions; References; 8: Space-Based Solar Power Satellite Systems
New Commercial Business Interests Around the WorldThe Proliferation of Remote-Sensing Satellite Systems; Conclusions; References; 4: The Growth and Expansion of Precise Navigation and Timing; Introduction; How GNSS Satellites Establish a User's Exact Location; Innovations in GNSS Systems; Key Issues and Concerns; Personal Surveillance, Privacy and Freedom; Cyber-Security and Hacking of Computerized Systems with GNSS-Enabled Devices; Vulnerability of Automated Systems That Depend on GNSS Systems and Backup Options; The Global Proliferation of GNSS Systems; Conclusions; References
The Rise of Conventional Communications Satellites from the 1960s to the 1990sThe Rise of New Space Communications Systems from the 1990s to the Present; Space 2.0 Comes to Satellite Communications; The Promise, the Opportunities, and the Pitfalls; Regulatory Oversight Concerns; Conclusions; References; 3: Key Trends in Remote-Sensing Satellite Systems and Services; Introduction; Reinventing the World of Remote Sensing; The Small Satellite Revolution in Remote Sensing; Developments in Digital Processing and Analysis of Remote Sensing Satellite Data; Spinoffs from Defense-Related Surveillance
A true revolution has rocked the space industry, as Silicon Valley and new startup companies around the world have shaken up the status quo. This has in turn triggered a hefty response among traditional aerospace companies, launching the sector into the new Space 2.0. This book explains how and why this remarkable change has happened, starting from the industry's origins during the Space Age and working its way to the present day. No other industry in the world has experienced the dramatic shift in technology and services as rapidly as the field of satellite services and rocket launch systems has. This book analyzes the dynamic shift over the past decade in how satellites are designed, manufactured, launched, and operated. It also turns an eye to the future, discussing the amazing feats and potential issues we can expect from this shifting arena by 2030. With its beginner-friendly writing style and plethora of illustrations, this book serves as a perfect introductory text to students and professionals alike wishing to learn more about the key trends in the field of space applications and launch systems.
Springer Nature
Space industrialization-- Technological innovations.