Intro; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; Introduction; Part I Standard Cosmology; 1 The Expanding Universe and the Big Bang; 1.1 Observations; 1.2 Newtonian Approximation for the Expansion of Space; 1.3 Time Evolution of the Scale Factor for a Linear Equation of State; 1.4 Universe with Several Matter Components; 1.5 A Quick History of Experimental Observations and Discoveries; 1.6 The Cosmological Constant; 2 Relativistic Theory; 2.1 The FLRW Metric and the Friedmann Equation; 2.2 Types of Matter and Resulting Expansion of the Universe; 2.3 Cosmological Evolution Formulas
10.3 Entropy Production and the Number of e-Folds10.4 Baryogenesis; 10.5 Relics; 11 Fluctuations in Inflation and Matching with Experimental Data; 11.1 Scales During Inflation; 11.2 Scalar Fluctuations During Inflation; 11.3 Quantization of Scalar Perturbations; 11.4 Scalar-Gravity Fluctuations; 11.5 Power Spectrum and Contact with Experimental Data; 11.6 Primordial Tensor Perturbations; 11.7 Constraints on Inflationary Models; Part II Elements of String Theory; 12 Extra Dimensions and Kaluza-Klein; 12.1 KK Metrics; 12.2 Fields with Spin; 12.3 The Original Kaluza-Klein Theory
5.4 Particle Species in the Radiation Dominated (R.D). Era5.5 Neutrino Decoupling; 6 Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and Recombination; 6.1 Recombination Temperature; 6.2 Big Bang Nucleosynthesis; 6.3 Dependence of BBN Primordial Abundances on Parameters; 6.4 Observations and Comparison with BBN; 6.5 Summary of the Thermal History; 7 The Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) Anisotropy; 7.1 The CMBR and Its Anisotropy; 7.2 Kinematics of the CMBR; 7.3 Perturbation Theory for CMBR; 7.4 Effect of Density Perturbations on the CMBR
8 Problems to Be Solved by Inflation and How They Are Solved in Inflationary Models8.1 Problems with Standard Cosmology Before Inflation; 8.2 The Paradigm of Inflation; 8.3 Inflationary Solutions to Cosmological Problems; 8.4 Inflation with a Scalar Field; 9 Slow-Roll Inflation; 9.1 Slow-Roll Analysis; 9.2 General (Non-slow Roll) Formulas; 9.3 Slow Roll Conditions; 9.4 Exact Solution for Inflation; 9.5 Variants of Inflation; 9.5.1 Initial Conditions for Inflation; 10 Reheating and Baryogenesis; 10.1 Standard Reheating; 10.2 New Reheating and Preheating
Cosmology describes the evolution of the Universe and is based on a description of its beginning from quantum fluctuations. String theory is the only known consistent theory of quantum gravity that can deal with the highest energy scales near the Planck energy, relevant for cosmology's beginning. As a result, only string theory can give a fully consistent picture of cosmological origins. This book describes the best current avenues for obtaining cosmology from string theory. It is aimed at graduate students, and also researchers, with some familiarity with cosmology and string theory, however no detailed knowledge is required.