Systems-level packaging for millimeter-wave transceivers /
Mladen Božanić, Saurabh Sinha.
Cham, Switzerland :
1 online resource
Smart sensors, measurement and instrumentation ;
volume 34
Includes bibliographical references.
Intro; Preface; Contents; About the Authors; 1 Research Impact of System-Level Packaging for Millimeter-Wave Transceivers; 1.1 Significance of Device Packaging at Millimeter-Wave Range and Systems Approach; 1.2 Research Contextualization: A Modern Communication System; 1.2.1 Transmitter; 1.2.2 Transmitting and Receiving Antennas; 1.2.3 The Receiver; 1.2.4 Example of State-of-the-Art Transceiver; 1.3 Other Considerations: Substrates, Active Devices and Passives; 1.4 Practical Research Focus: Applications of Millimeter-Wave Systems
1.5 Identifying Research Gaps: Packaging Techniques and Technologies1.5.1 Traditional Approach-A One-Chip Solution; 1.5.2 A Two-Chip Solution; 1.5.3 Packaging Multiple Dice; 1.5.4 The Ultimate Goal: System Optimization Through Improved Packaging; 1.5.5 The Packaging Decision; 1.6 Research Questions: Packaging for Millimeter-Wave Applications; 1.7 Contribution to the Body of Knowledge; 1.8 Content Overview; References; 2 Millimeter-Wave Research Challenges; 2.1 Wavelength Significance; 2.2 The Millimeter-Wave Part of the Spectrum; 2.3 Propagation of Millimeter Waves
2.4 Antennas for Millimeter-Waves2.4.1 General Antenna Theory; 2.4.2 Millimeter-Wave Antennas; 2.5 Millimeter-Wave Considerations; 2.5.1 Losses; 2.5.2 Uncertainty; 2.5.3 Feasibility of Component Values; 2.5.4 Interconnects and Component Sizing; 2.5.5 Coupling and Shielding; 2.5.6 Layout Dependency; 2.5.7 Bonding; 2.5.8 Package Leads; 2.5.9 Concluding Remarks; References; 3 Behavior of Active and Passive Devices at Millimeter-Wave Frequencies; 3.1 Solid-State Active Devices; 3.1.1 Metal-Oxide Transistors; 3.1.2 MOSFET Operation at Millimeter Wave Frequencies; 3.1.3 Bipolar Transistors
3.1.4 HBT Operation at Millimeter Wave Frequencies3.1.5 Noise Figure in HBTs and MOSFETs; 3.2 Transmission Lines; 3.2.1 Q-Factors of Passive Devices; 3.2.2 Introduction to Transmission Lines; 3.2.3 Types of Transmission Lines; 3.2.4 General Transmission Line; 3.2.5 The Quarter-Wave Transformer; 3.2.6 Substrate Integrated Waveguides; 3.2.7 Slow Co-planar Waveguides; 3.3 Resistors; 3.4 Capacitors; 3.4.1 Parallel-Plate Capacitors; 3.4.2 Transmission-Line Capacitors; 3.4.3 Other Capacitors; 3.5 Inductors; 3.5.1 Wound Inductors; 3.5.2 Integrated Inductors; 3.5.3 Embedded Inductors
3.5.4 Bond Wires3.5.5 Transmission-Line Inductors; 3.5.6 RF Chokes; 3.6 Transformers and Baluns; 3.7 Concluding Remarks; References; 4 Integrated Substrates: Millimeter-Wave Transistor Technologies; 4.1 Means for Comparison of Technologies; 4.2 CMOS Technology; 4.2.1 Important Characteristics; 4.2.2 State-of-the-Art CMOS Technologies; 4.3 High-Electron Mobility Transistor Technology; 4.3.1 Important Characteristics; 4.3.2 State-of-the-Art High-Electron Mobility Technologies; 4.4 Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor Technology; 4.4.1 Important Characteristics
This book provides a system-level approach to making packaging decisions for millimeter-wave transceivers. In electronics, the packaging forms a bridge between the integrated circuit or individual device and the rest of the electronic system, encompassing all technologies between the two. To be able to make well-founded packaging decisions, researchers need to understand a broad range of aspects, including: concepts of transmission bands, antennas and propagation, integrated and discrete package substrates, materials and technologies, interconnects, passive and active components, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of various packages and packaging approaches, and package-level modeling and simulation. Packaging also needs to be considered in terms of system-level testing, as well as associated testing and production costs, and reducing costs. This peer-reviewed work contributes to the extant scholarly literature by addressing the aforementioned concepts and applying them to the context of the millimeter-wave regime and the unique opportunities that this transmission approach offers.
Springer Nature
Systems-level packaging for millimeter-wave transceivers.