failures, legacies, and the future of revolution /
Thomas Telios, Dieter Thomä, Ulrich Schmid, editors.
Cham, Switzerland :
Palgrave Macmillan,
1 online resource.
Critical political theory and radical practice
Includes bibliographical references.
1. Chapter 1 Preface Reconsidering the Russian Revolution 2. Chapter 2 Karl Schlögel 'Beyond the Horizon: The Russian Revolution Seen from Afar' 3. Chapter 3 Sylvia Sasse 'Reenacting the Revolution? Theater and Politics of Repetition' 4. Chapter 4 Enikő Darabos 'Revolution in Sexual Ethics: Communism and the 'Sex Problem'' 5. Chapter 5 Christian Schmidt 'Revolution and Salvation' 6. Chapter 6 Naveen Kanalu 'Law, Absolute Will, and the 'Withering of the State': Sovereignty at the Limits of Lenin's 'Dictatorship of the Proletariat'' 7. Chapter 7 Dieter Thomä 'What Is Life Like After Revolution? Administration, Habit, and Democracy in Lenin's The State and Revolution -- and Beyond' Retelling the Russian Revolution 8. Chapter 8 Ulrich Schmid 'German and Jewish Conspiracies: The October Revolution from the perspective of the Italian Fascists and the German National Socialists' 9. Chapter 9 Tatjana Jukić 'A Narrative Theory for the October Revolution (From Maugham to Benjamin and Back)' 10. Chapter 10 Marie-Josée Lavallée 'October and the Prospects for Revolution. The Views of Arendt, Adorno, and Marcuse' 11. Chapter 11 Tora Lane 'Memory politics and the 'politics of memory'' 12. Chapter 12 Stephan Rindlisbacher 'Into Historical Limbo: The Legacy of the October Revolution in Russia' Reenabling Revolution 13. Chapter 13 Geoffroy de Lagasnerie 'The Concepts of Revolution' 14. Chapter 14 Christoph Menke 'The Possibility of the Revolution' 15. Chapter 15 Donatella della Porta 'Time Intensification in Revolutionary Dynamics' 16. Chapter 16 Thomas Telios 'Postscript: Communist Subjectivity and the Politics of Collectiversalism'.