Intro; Acknowledgements; Contents; Abbreviations; List of Tables; List of Boxes; Chapter 1 Introduction; References; Chapter 2 What Is Consociation?; Lijphart's Concept of Consociation; Grand Coalition; Segmental Autonomy; Proportionality; Veto Power; Does the System Promote Stability in Plural Societies?; References; Part I A Quantitative Assessment of Consociation; Chapter 3 The Plural Societies for Which Consociation Is Prescribed; References; Chapter 4 Empirically Depicting Consociation's Role; Part 1: Dependent Variable Representing the Goal of Stability
Chapter 9 Newer Political Systems Yielding Valuable Insights Concerning Consociation: South Africa and Northern IrelandSouth Africa; Northern Ireland; Conclusion; References; Chapter 10 Conclusions: How Can Stability Be Achieved Most Efficiently in Plural Societies?; References; Appendix A: The Plural Cases-Comprising 88 Countries and 1593 Years of Experience; Appendix B: The Variables and Data; Appendix C: The Construction of the Dependent, Stability Variable; Bibliography; Index
Critical Analyses of the Conditions Identified by Lijphart as Conducive to Consociation's SuccessPrevious Quantitative Evaluations of Concepts Related to Consociation; Conclusion; References; Part II A Qualitative Examination of Consociation's Role in Seven Cases; Chapter 7 Supposed Cases of Historical Success Experiencing Significant Instability: Canada and Belgium; Canada; Belgium; Conclusion; References; Chapter 8 Some of Consociation's Most Celebrated Successes: Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Austria; Switzerland; The Netherlands; Austria; Conclusion; References
Part 2: Independent Variables Representing ConsociationSegmental Autonomy; Proportionality; Minority Veto Power; Part 3: Control Variables; Conclusion; References; Chapter 5 Quantitative Results; Describing the Data; Statistical Results; Multiple Regression Analyses; Scatterplots; Factor Analyses; Assessing the Value of These Quantitative Results; Conclusion; References; Chapter 6 Comparison of this Project's Quantitative Findings with Others' Evaluations of Consociation's Effects; Responses to Lijphart's Work in This Area: Is It Scientifically Falsifiable?
Fifty years ago, academics and policymakers throughout the world agreed that it was impossible for certain sets of historically antagonistic groups to coexist peacefully on a long-term basis. This book examines the system of consociation, which was identified by Arend Lijphart and ended that pessimistic consensus. Lijphart's specific observations concerning the impact of consociation are assessed quantitatively and qualitatively, facilitated through careful operationalization of his descriptions of consociation's four components: grand coalition, minority veto, proportionality, and segmental autonomy. Insights derived from a dataset representing the experiences of eighty-eight countries are examined further through case study analysis of the seven societies most often discussed in relation to consociation: Austria, Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, Northern Ireland, South Africa, and Switzerland. The components of consociation are found to promote lasting peace in divided societies most successfully when combined with additional incentives for the encouragement of cross-cutting cleavages and shared loyalties. Brighid Brooks Kelly is Visiting Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania's Andrea Mitchell Center for the Study of Democracy, USA. Her work was awarded the Basil Chubb Prize, following its submission to Trinity College Dublin.