Jeanette Carlsson Hauff, Tommy Gärling, Ted Lindblom, editors.
Cham, Switzerland :
Palgrave Macmillan,
1 online resource
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Intro; Preface; Contents; Notes on Contributors; List of Figures; List of Tables; Part I Introduction to Young Adults' Indebtedness; Chapter 1 Why Study Young Adults' Indebtedness?; 1 Introduction; 2 The Research Program; 2.1 Project 1: Causes of Young Adults' Borrowing Decisions; 2.2 Project 2: Effects of Information Format on Borrowing; 2.3 Project 3: Regulatory Actors and Their Tools; 3 The Book's Organization-A Brief Overview; 3.1 The Structure of the Book; 3.2 Chapter Overviews; 4 Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 2 Indebtedness, Over-Indebtedness and Wellbeing
1 Introduction2 A Brief Literature Overview; 2.1 Definitions of Over-Indebtedness; 2.2 The Relationship Between Over-Indebtedness and Financial Exclusion; 2.3 The Relationship Between Over-Indebtedness and Financial Literacy; 2.4 Measuring Over-Indebtedness in Practice-An Illustration; 3 Indebtedness and Over-Indebtedness in Numbers; 3.1 Descriptive Statistics of European Households; 3.2 Estimations of Societal Costs and Wellbeing Related to Over-Indebtedness in Sweden; 4 Concluding Remarks; References; Chapter 3 The Loan Market-The Swedish Example; 1 Introduction
2 The Swedish Financial Environment3 The Swedish Loan Market; 3.1 Mortgage Loans; 3.2 Other Types of Consumer Credit; 3.3 The Market for Unsecured Instant Loans; 4 An International Comparison; 4.1 The Total Loan Market; 4.2 The Mortgage Market; 5 Age Differences Among Borrowers; 6 Concluding Remarks; References; Part II Psychological Factors Explaining Young Adults' Indebtedness; Chapter 4 Young Adults' Attitudes Toward Borrowing; 1 Introduction; 2 Definition and Measurement of Attitude Toward Borrowing; 3 Review of Previous Studies
3.1 Antecedents of Young Adults' Attitudes Toward Borrowing3.2 Consequences of Young Adults' Attitude Toward Borrowing; 4 Measuring Attitude Toward Borrowing; 5 Summary and Conclusions; References; Chapter 5 Young Adults' Consumption Desires, Feelings of Financial Scarcity and Borrowing; 1 Introduction; 2 Borrowing and Purchasing; 3 Affective/Cognitive Pre-decisional Information Processing; 4 Borrowing Unawareness; 5 Summary and Conclusions; References; Part III Financial Information and Young Adults' Borrowing Decisions
Chapter 6 Impacts of Loan Communication on Young Adults' Borrowing1 Introduction; 2 The Influence of Communication and Information on Behavior: The Importance of Involvement; 2.1 Importance of Effective Communication and Accurate Information; 2.2 Communication and Information Initiatives on Borrowing and Credit; 2.2.1 The Importance of How Borrowing Information Is Presented: Loan Disclosure and Format; 2.2.2 General Remarks and Observations; 3 Two Studies of the Influence of Communication and Information About Borrowing Behavior; 3.1 Does Clear Information Matter?
This book reviews problems with credit use and causes of indebtedness among young adults, while uncovering possibilities to encourage a healthier attitude towards loans in this segment of the population. Both consumption loans and mortgages are covered in order to adequately represent real-world credit use by young people about to enter adulthood. It focuses on three distinctive actors: the legislative authorities, the financial institution, most commonly a bank, and finally the individual borrower. More specifically, the book discusses the functioning of these three entities in the context of young adults borrowing behaviour, and would appeal to academics, researchers and students of financial institutions and banking.