Non-equilibrium evaporation and condensation processes :
analytical solutions /
Yuri B. Zudin.
Second edition.
Cham, Switzerland :
1 online resource
Mathematical engineering
Intro; Preface; Contents; 1 Introduction to the Problem; 1.1 Kinetic Molecular Theory; 1.2 Discussing the Boltzmann Equation; 1.3 Precise Solution to the Boltzmann Equation; 1.4 Intensive Phase Change; References; 2 Nonequilibrium Effects on the Phase Interface; 2.1 Conservation Equations of Molecular Flows; 2.2 Evaporation into Vacuum; 2.3 Extrapolated Boundary Conditions; 2.4 Accommodation Coefficients; 2.5 Linear Kinetic Theory; 2.6 Introduction into the Problem of Strong Evaporation; 2.6.1 Conservation Equations; 2.6.2 The Model of Crout; 2.6.3 The Model of Anisimov
2.6.4 The Model of Rose2.6.5 The Mixing Model; References; 3 Approximate Kinetic Analysis of Strong Evaporation; 3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Conservation Equations; 3.3 Mixing Surface; 3.4 Limiting Mass Flux; 3.5 Reflection of Molecules from the Surface; 3.5.1 Condensation Coefficient; 3.5.2 Diffusion Scheme for Reflection of Molecules; 3.6 Thermodynamic State of Vapor; 3.7 Laser Irradiation of Surface; 3.8 Integral Heat Balance Method; 3.8.1 Analytical Solutions; 3.8.2 Heat Perturbation Front; 3.9 Heat Conduction Equation in the Target; 3.10 The "Thermal Conductivity-Evaporation" Conjugate Problem
3.11 Linear Evaporation Problem3.12 Nonlinear Evaporation Problem; 3.13 Conclusions; References; 4 Semi-empirical Model of Strong Evaporation; 4.1 Strong Evaporation; 4.2 Approximate Analytical Models; 4.3 Analysis of the Available Approaches; 4.4 The Semi-empirical Model; 4.5 Validation of the Semi-empirical Model; 4.5.1 Monatomic Gas; 4.5.2 Sonic Evaporation; 4.5.3 Polyatomic Gas; 4.5.4 Maximum Mass Flow; 4.6 Final Remarks; 4.7 Conclusions; References; 5 Approximate Kinetic Analysis of Strong Condensation; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Macroscopic Models; 5.3 Strong Evaporation
6.4.2 Symmetric and Asymmetric Cases6.4.3 Kinetic Jumps; 6.4.4 Effect of Condensation Coefficient; 6.4.5 Short Description; 6.5 Conclusions; References; 7 Binary Schemes of Vapor Bubble Growth; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Limiting Schemes of Growth; 7.3 The Energetic Thermal Scheme; 7.4 Binary Schemes of Growth; 7.4.1 The Viscous-Inertial Scheme; 7.4.2 The Inertial-Thermal Scheme; 7.4.3 The Region of High Superheatings; 7.4.4 The Nonequilibrium-Thermal Scheme; 7.5 Homogeneous Bubble Nucleation; 7.5.1 Introduction; 7.5.2 The Classical Theory Revisited; 7.5.3 Mechanical Equilibrium
This monograph is focused mostly on the exposition of analytical methods for the solution of problems of strong phase change. A new theoretical model is proved useful in describing, with acceptable accuracy, problems of strong evaporation and condensation. The book is the first to treat the problem of asymmetry for evaporation/condensation. A semi-empirical model for the process is proposed for purposes of practical calculation of the process of strong evaporation. The "limiting schemes" of the vapor bubble growth are analyzed. The thermo-hydrodynamic problem of evaporating meniscus of a thin liquid film on a heated surface is considered. A theoretical analysis of the problem of evaporation of a drop levitating over a vapor cushion is performed. The problem of vapor condensation upon a transversal flow around a horizontal cylinder is considered. The second edition is extended by (i) the conjugate "strong evaporation - heat conduction" problem, (ii) the influence of accommodation coefficients on intensive processes of evaporation and condensation, (iii) the problem of supersonic condensation. This book is the first to present a comprehensive theoretical approach of boiling problems: nucleate boiling, superfluid helium phase transition, similarity between pseudo-boiling and subcritical pressure nucleate boiling. The target audience primarily comprises research experts in the field of thermodynamics and fluid dynamics, but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students.
Springer Nature
Non-equilibrium evaporation and condensation processes.