Geotechnical fundamentals for addressing new world challenges /
Ning Lu, James K. Mitchell, editors.
Cham, Switzerland :
1 online resource (361 pages)
Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering
Includes bibliographical references.
Intro; Preface; Contents; The Role of Geotechnics in Addressing New World Problems; 1 Introduction; 2 Climate Change; 2.1 Climate Mitigation: Low Carbon Economy; 2.2 Climate Adaptation; 3 Urban Sustainability and Resilience; 4 Management of Energy and Material Resources; 5 Management of Water Resources; 5.1 Groundwater Resources; 5.2 Surface Water Resources; 6 Over-Arching Challenges; 7 Conclusions; References; Advances in Geotechnical Sensors and Monitoring; 1 Introduction; 2 Sensing and Monitoring at the Laboratory Scale; 2.1 Computed Tomography (CT) Scanning
2.2 Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope and Microfluidics2.3 Particle Image Velocimetry or Digital Image Correlation; 2.4 Transparent Soils; 2.5 Pressure Sensors; 3 Sensing and Monitoring at the Site Scale; 3.1 Fiber Optic Sensing-Point and Distributed Sensors; 3.2 Digital Image Correlation (DIC), Structure from Motion (SfM) and Change Detection; 3.3 LiDAR; 3.4 Wireless Sensor Network; 4 Sensing and Monitoring at the District Scale; 4.1 Satellite Images; 4.2 InSAR; 5 Conclusions; References; Soil Properties: Physics Inspired, Data Driven; 1 Introduction: Soils Are Particulate Materials
3.3 Free Energy of Soil Water3.4 Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium Principle; 3.5 Adsorption Water Content Versus Capillary Water Content; 4 Soil Physicochemical Properties; 4.1 Soil Water Retention Curve; 4.2 Specific Surface Area; 4.3 Cation Exchange Capacity; 4.4 Suction Stress Characteristic Curve; 4.5 Soil Water Density; 5 Geotechnical Engineering Properties; 5.1 Soil Shrinkage Curve; 5.2 Small Strain Shear Modulus; 5.3 Young's Modulus Function; 5.4 Scaling Between Small-Strain and Finite-Strain Shear Moduli; 5.5 Thermal Conductivity Function; 6 Concluding Remarks; References
This single-volume thoroughly summarizes advances in the past several decades and emerging challenges in fundamental research in geotechnical engineering. These fundamental research frontiers are critically reviewed and described in details in lights of four grand challenges our society faces: climate adaptation, urban sustainability, energy and material resources, and global water resources. The specific areas critically reviewed, carefully examined, and envisioned are: sensing and measurement, soil properties and their physics roots, multiscale and multiphysics processes in soil, geochemical processes for resilient and sustainable geosystems, biological processes in geotechnics, unsaturated soil mechanics, coupled flow processes in soil, thermal processes in geotechnical engineering, and rock mechanics in the 21st century.
Springer Nature
Geotechnical Fundamentals for Addressing New World Challenges.