Intro; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contents; Abbreviations; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1: Why Well-being, Resilience and Innovation?; Employee Well-being; Employee Resilience; Personality; Interrelationships Between Micro- and Meso-foundations of Innovation; Research Questions; Conclusion; References; 2: Theoretical Foundations of Resilience, Well-being and Innovation; Well-being; Resilience; Stress; Work Promotes Well-being; Well-being and Innovation; Personality and Resilience; Emotional Intelligence; The Role of Positive Emotions
Analytical StepsWithin-Case Analysis of Expert Innovator Informant 1; Applying Leximancer Analysis: A Within-Case Analysis; About Innovator 1; About Innovator 1's Personality Assessment; About the Organisation; Nature and Extent of Innovation at Expert Innovation Informant 1's Organisation; Commitment to Innovation; Micro- and Meso-level Foundations of Organisational Ambidexterity and the Role of HRM Practices; High Involvement Work Systems (PIRK Model); Power; Information Access and Sharing; Rewards; Knowledge; Organisational Ambidexterity and High Involvement Work Systems
Evidence Base of the Impact of Micro-level Foundations on Organisational AmbidexterityThe Relationship Between HRM, Ambidexterity and Well-being, Resilience and Innovation; Propositions; Conclusion; References; 4: Quantitative Analysis; Research Design; Potential Value/Significance of Research; Quantitative Methodology and Analysis; Resilience, Well-being and Job Performance; Participants; Results; References; 5: Within-Case Qualitative Analysis; Qualitative Case Study Analysis: A Methodological Note; Case Study Strategy; Data Collection; Data Analysis; About Leximancer 4.5.1
Well-being and Resilience in the Organisational ContextInnovation; References; 3: Meso-level Influences on Well-being, Resilience and Innovation: Creating an Ambidextrous Context Through HRM; Studies of High-Performance Work Systems in HRM; High Involvement Work Systems; Evidence from HIWS Research: Challenges and Opportunities; Organisational Ambidexterity; Meso-level Influences on Ambidexterity; Evidence Base of the Impact of HRM on Organisational Ambidexterity; Micro-foundational Influences on Organisational Ambidexterity
Well-being and ResilienceConclusion; Within-Case Analysis of Expert Innovator Informant 2; Applying Leximancer Analysis to Informant 2: A Within-Case Analysis; About Innovator 2; About Innovator 2's Personality Assessment; About the Organisation; Nature and Extent of Innovation at Expert Innovation Informant 2's Organisation; Role of HRM in Creating an Ambidextrous Context; High Involvement Work Systems (PIRK Model); Power, Autonomy and Freedom; Information Access and Sharing; Rewards; Knowledge; Creating an Ambidextrous Context; Organisational Ambidexterity; Exploitation; Exploration
This book employs a multidisciplinary and multi-level perspective to understand how well-being and resilience can influence innovation in knowledge-intensive contexts. Building on the authors' work in the areas of innovation management, human resource management and the psychological aspects of employee well-being, rich empirical data is presented and analysed in order to develop a conceptual framework. An interdisciplinary and insightful read for those studying HRM, innovation and psychology, this book is aimed at scholars who are interested in examining the relationships between micro- (individual) and meso-level (organisational and managerial practices) influences on innovation outcomes.