1. Introduction: A Shamanic Semionaut -- 2. Holed Theatre as Response to Globalization -- 3. From Ethics to the Politics of Aesthethics -- 4. Affect and the Holed Spectator: Ecology of Transfers -- 5. Europe: Globalizations Inferiors -- 6. The Architect: Blowing Up Architectures of Power -- 7. The Cosmonauts Last Message to the Woman He Once Loved in the Former Soviet Union: "All this Fucking Beautiful Stuff" -- 8. San Diego: Stitching up the Globe -- 9. The American Pilot: A Precarious Restoration to 'the Real -- 10. Damascus: Trouma -- 11. Fragile: Sharing Doing and Spatial Transcorporeality -- 12. The Events: Confounding Spacecraft -- Here -- 13. Conclusion: World-Forming Theatre.
With a Foreword by Dan Rebellato, this book offers up a detailed exploration of Scottish playwright David Greigs work with particular attention to globalization, ethics, and the spectator. It makes the argument that Greigs theatre works by undoing, cracking, or breaking apart myriad elements to reveal the holed, porous nature of all things. Starting with a discussion of Greigs engagement with shamanism and arguing for holed theatre as a response to globalization, for Greigs works politics of aesthethics, and for the holed spectator as part of an affective ecology of transfers, this book discusses some of Greigs most representative political theatre from Europe (1994) to The Events (2013), concluding with an exploration of Greigs theatres world-forming quality.
David Greig's holed theatre.
Greig, David-- Criticism and interpretation
Greig, David.
English drama-- 21st century-- History and criticism.
Globalization in literature.
Political plays, English-- Scotland-- History and criticism.