Intro -- Preface -- Contents -- Symbols and Abbreviations -- 1 Introduction: Temperature and Some Comment on Work -- 1.1 Heat, Its Two Laws -- 1.2 Thermal Equilibrium and Temperature -- 1.3 Thermodynamic Systems and the General Concept of Equilibrium -- 1.3.1 Nonequilibrium and Irreversibility -- 1.4 Dimension and Unit of Temperature -- 1.4.1 Universal Constants: Dimensionless Conversion Factors and Dimensional Universal Constants -- 1.5 Thermal Equation of State for Ideal Gases -- 1.6 Mixtures of Ideal Gases -- 1.7 Work -- 1.8 Calculation of \int {{\usertwo pdV}} for "Quasi-static Processes"
1.9 Difference Between a Mass Body and a Thermodynamic System -- 1.9.1 Quasi-static Process and Work Reservoir -- 1.9.2 A Mass Body and a Thermodynamic System: No Thermodynamic System is an Island -- 1.10 Quantity of Heat -- References -- 2 Calorimetry and the Caloric Theory of Heat, the Measurement of Heat -- Abstract -- 2.1 Theories of Heat -- 2.2 Direct Heating: Sensible Heat and Latent Heat -- 2.3 The Doctrine of Latent and Sensible Heats in an Internally Reversible Medium -- 2.4 Adiabatic Heating -- References
3 The First Law: The Production of Heat and the Principle of Conservation of Energy -- Abstract -- 3.1 Introduction -- 3.2 Adiabatic Work and Internal Energy -- 3.3 Heat Exchange and the First Law of Thermodynamics -- 3.4 Energy Conservation in a Reversible Universe -- 3.5 Irreversible Universe: Heat versus Heat -- 3.6 Enthalpy -- 3.7 Heat Capacity and Molar Heat Capacity -- 3.8 Joule's Law (Joule Free Expansion): The Caloric Equation of State for Ideal Gases -- 3.9 Quasi-static Heating and the Adiabatic Transformation of a Gas -- 3.9.1 Isochoric processes -- 3.9.2 Isobaric processes
3.9.3 Adiabatic Transformation of an Ideal Gas -- 3.10 Energy Analyses of Processes in Open Systems -- 3.11 The Story of Heat -- References -- 4 Carnot's Theory of Heat, and Kelvin's Adoption of Which in Terms of Energy -- Abstract -- 4.1 Unidirectional Nature of Processes and the Production of Work -- 4.2 The Carnot Cycle and Carnot's Principle -- 4.3 The Absolute Thermodynamic Temperature -- 4.3.1 Carnot's Reversible Efficiency -- 4.4 Carnot's Function and Kelvin's Resolution of the Conflict Between MEH and Carnot's Principle -- 4.5 Falling of Caloric in Reversible Processes
4.5.1 Absolute Thermodynamic Temperature and the Ideal-Gas Thermometric Temperature -- 4.5.2 Falling of Caloric -- 4.5.3 The Carnot Formula and the Kelvin Formula -- 4.5.4 Caloric or Heat: Interpreted as Both Heat Flow and "Entropy" Flow -- 4.5.5 Equivalence of the Clausius Statement and the Kelvin-Planck Statement -- 4.6 Limitation in the Amount of Heat to be Converted into Mechanical Energy -- 4.7 The Energy Principle, A Self-evident Proposition? -- 4.8 Does the Heat-as-Energy Ontology Infer Equivalence-Convertibility Synonym? -- References -- 5 Entropy and the Entropy Principle -- Abstract
This textbook explains the meaning of heat and work and the definition of energy and energy systems. It describes the constructive role of entropy growth and makes the case that energy matters, but entropy growth matters more. Readers will learn that heat can be transferred, produced, and extracted, and that the understanding of generalized heat extraction will revolutionize the design of future buildings as thermal systems for managing low grade heat and greatly contribute to enhanced efficiency of tomorrow's energy systems and energy ecosystems. Professor Wang presents a coherent theory-structure of thermodynamics and clarifies the meaning of heat and the definition of energy in a manner that is both scientifically rigorous and engaging, and explains contemporary understanding of engineering thermodynamics in continuum of its historical evolution. The textbook reinforces students' grasp of concepts with end-of-chapter problems and provides a historical background of pioneering work by Black, Laplace, Carnot, Joule, Thomson, Clausius, Maxwell, Planck, Gibbs, Poincare and Prigogine. Developed primarily as a core text for graduate students in engineering programs, and as reference for professional engineers, this book maximizes readers' understanding and shines a light on new horizons for our energy future. Brings forth students' understanding of how heat and work are different and why the principle of their inter-convertibility (i.e., exchangeability) should be rejected; Elucidates the constructive role of entropy growth, and the notion that energy matters, but entropy growth matters more; Demonstrates that heat can be transferred, produced, and extracted; Teaches readers that all reversible-like processes are heat extraction processes and how this understanding will revolutionize the design of future buildings.