Intro; Dedication; Preface; Acknowledgements; List of Publications; Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers; Refereed Conference Papers; Contents; Abbreviations; Chapter 1: Introduction; 1.1 Background, Advantages and Applications of Microwave Imaging; 1.2 Research Objectives; 1.3 Book Organisation; References; Chapter 2: Literature Review; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Spot Measurement Techniques; 2.3 Microwave and Millimetre Wave Imaging Techniques; 2.4 Antennas for Microwave Imaging Applications; 2.4.1 Omnidirectional UWB Antennas; 2.4.2 Directional UWB Antennas; 2.5 Summary; References
4.4.3 Imaging of Concrete Block Possessing Steel Rod in Created Groove4.4.4 Imaging for Concrete Block Possessing Air Gap in Plasterboard Sheets; 4.5 Summary; References; Chapter 5: Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna with Regular Triangular Shaped Slits for Microwave Imaging of Concrete Materials and Structures; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Proposed Antenna, Results and Discussions; 5.2.1 Bending Technique; 5.2.2 Regular Triangular Shaped Slit; 5.3 Microwave Imaging with the Fabricated RTSAVA-B; 5.3.1 Fabricated Antenna and Measurement Imaging Approach
5.3.2 Proposed Antenna and the Concrete Block with Construction Foam Slab Possessing Metal Disc5.3.3 Proposed Antenna and the Concrete Block with a Concrete Slab; 5.3.4 Proposed Antenna and Concrete with Plastic Pipe; 5.4 Summary; References; Chapter 6: Miniaturised Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna and Its Application for Detection of Void Inside Concrete Specimens; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Modification Process for Miniaturised Antenna; 6.2.1 Miniaturisation of Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna; 6.2.2 Improvement of Antenna Gain; 6.3 Performance of the Designed Antennas in Free Space
Chapter 3: Small UWB Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna with Improved Radiation Characteristics for Microwave and Millimetre Wave Imaging Applications3.1 Introduction; 3.2 Proposed Antenna Configuration; 3.2.1 Rectangular Slits at Sun-Shaped Configuration; 3.2.2 Dielectric Lens Design; 3.3 Results and Discussion; 3.4 Microwave and Millimetre Wave Imaging Applications of the MAVA-HEDL; 3.4.1 Fabricated Antenna and Measurement Imaging Approach; 3.4.2 Imaging of Rubber Discs in Construction Foam Layered Structure; 3.4.3 Metal Rods Embedded in Layered Plasterboard Sheet Structure; 3.5 Summary; References
Chapter 4: Microwave and Millimetre Wave Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna with Periodic Slit-Edge Technique and the Trapezoid-Shaped Dielectric Lens for Imaging of Concrete-Based Composite Materials4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Antenna Configuration; 4.2.1 Periodic Slit-Edge Technique; 4.2.2 Trapezoid-Shaped Dielectric Lens; 4.3 Performance of the Proposed Antennas in Free Space; 4.4 Microwave and Millimetre Wave Imaging with the Fabricated PSEAVA-TDL; 4.4.1 Fabricated Antenna and Measurement Imaging Approach; 4.4.2 Imaging Results for the Proposed Antenna with Four Metal Discs
The research described here develops and applies novel, ultra-wideband (UWB) antipodal Vivaldi antennas for high-resolution detection of defects and damages in composite construction materials and structures using their microwave and millimeter wave imaging. The author examines the challenges of applying the UWB microwave technique in that the technique is dependent on the operating frequency used for the specified material under test. In this context, the objectives of this research volume include, but are not limited to, development of a small UWB antenna at frequency range from 5 GHz - 50 GHz for microwave and millimeter wave imaging of wide range of low loss construction materials, design of a small UWB antenna operating for microwave and millimeter wave imaging of low loss and high loss materials for the purpose of detection of surface damages of concrete under low loss materials, and development of a UWB antenna at frequency range from 2 GHz - 27 GHz for microwave imaging of low loss and high loss materials such as concrete structures and layered structures for the purpose of detection of cavities inside concrete. Introduces a novel sketch of antipodal Vivaldi antennas with dielectric lenses; Tests workability of the designed antennas for different specimens of construction materials and structures; Considers capability of the designed antennas to detect different targets inside construction materials and structures.
Springer Nature
Antipodal Vivaldi antennas for microwave imaging of construction materials and structures.