Intro; Contents; Notes on Contributors; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1: Introduction: The Institution and the Imaginary in a Nordic Light; Sketching the Nordic Imaginary; Institutionalizations of the Nordic Imaginary; A Nordic Consumer Culture Manifesto?; References; Part I: Nordic Consumer Culture and the State-Market Nexus; 2: Democracies of Taste Ruled by the Law of Jante? Rudiments of a Nordic Sociology of Consumption; Sociology of Consumption and National Patterns of Taste; What Nordics Consume: Nordic Macro-Level Taste Patterns
4: Why Can't They Behave? Theorizing Consumer Misbehavior as Regime Misfit between Neoliberal and Nordic Welfare ModelsPerceptions of Misbehavior; The Neoliberal Regime: Consumer-Tourist; Nordic Welfare State Regime: Citizenship-Tourism; Method; Stakeholder Data; Results: Misbehavior between Neoliberal and Nordic Welfare State Regimes; Discussion; References; 5: Unacceptable Consumption: Conflicts of Refugee Consumption in a Nordic Welfare State; Theoretical Background; Acculturation and Consumption; Mutual Acculturation
6: Swedish Dads as a National Treasure: Consumer Culture at the Nexus of the State, Commerce, and ConsumersFatherhood under State Feminism; The Swedish State's Gender Ideology-Producing Function: Three Historical Touch Points; The Distant Breadwinner in 1932; The Caring Father in 1974; The Everyday Father in 2015; Identity Work: It's a Man's Job; Soft and Kind, Sure: But not a Velour Daddy!; Commercial Rescue in the Identity Negotiations; Scandinavian Man: Mythologies of Fatherhood as a Commercial Platform; Discussion; References; 7: Experiencing Nature through Nordic Restrictions and Freedom
How Nordics Consume: Conformity and Muted Distinctions under the Law of JanteThe Double Bind of Conformity; Muted Displays of Distinction; Concluding Remarks: Where Is Nordic Taste Going?; References; 3: Market Wonderland: An Essay about a Statist Individualist Consumer Culture; Statist Individualism; Consumer Culture and Statist Individualism; Robinson Crusoe on the Run; A Unicorn Culture; A Fashion of Equality Backlash; The Perfect Home; Bearded, Climate-Friendly Foodies; Market Wonderland; References
Mutual Acculturation on the Marketplace: Luedicke's Relational Configuration AnalysisPerceptions of Refugees; Research Context and Method; Foundations of the Nordic Welfare State; Nordic Responses to the 2015 Refugee Situation; The 2015 Refugee Situation in Finland; Data; Data Analysis; Results; Community Sellout; Challenged Authority Ranking Positions; Violation of Equality Matching; Micro-Macro Moral Dilemma; Mistrust in the Righteousness of the Welfare System; Discussion and Conclusions; References
Springer Nature
Consumer behavior-- Scandinavia.
Consumers-- Scandinavia.
Consumption (Economics)-- Social aspects-- Scandinavia.