Gameful second and foreign Language teaching and learning :
theory, research, and practice /
Jonathon Reinhardt.
Cham, Switzerland :
Palgrave Macmillan,
1 online resource :
New language learning and teaching environments
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Preface; Praise for Gameful Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning; Contents; List of Figures; List of Tables; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Theory, Research, and Practice; 1.1.1 Games in CALL; 1.1.2 A Brief History; 1.2 Gamefulness: A Framework for the Use of Games in L2TL; 1.2.1 Game-Enhanced L2TL; 1.2.2 Game-Informed L2TL; 1.2.3 Game-Based L2TL; 1.2.4 Gameful L2TL; 1.3 Purpose of the Book and Outline of Chapters; 2 Learnful L2 Gaming; 2.1 Who Plays Digital Games and Why?; 2.2 Games in Other Languages; 2.2.1 Games as Cultural Artifacts
2.3 Informal Game-Enhanced L2 Learning in the Wild; 2.3.1 Data and Procedures; 2.3.2 Results; 2.3.3 Discussion and Implications; 2.4 Conclusion: Gaming; 2.5 Project Ideas; 3 Play; 3.1 What Is Play?; 3.2 Play and Language Play; 3.3 Caillois' Forms of Gameplay; 3.3.1 Agon; 3.3.2 Alea; 3.3.3 Mimicry/Simulation; 3.3.4 Ilinx; 3.4 From Play Forms to Play Styles; 3.4.1 A Grain of Salt; 3.5 From Play Styles to Gameful L2 Learning Preferences; 3.5.1 Motivation; 3.5.2 Learning Styles; 3.5.3 Learning Strategies; 3.6 Conclusion: Play; 3.7 Project Ideas; 4 Game; 4.1 Game as Rules, Narrative, and Media
4.1.1 Game as Rules/Gameplay as Agency; 4.1.2 Game as Narrative/Gameplay as Identity; 4.1.3 Game as Media/Gameplay as Community; 4.2 Game Type: Formats, Genres, and Elements; 4.2.1 Game Formats; 4.2.2 Digital Game Genres; 4.2.3 Game Elements: Mechanics, Dynamics, Behaviors, and Other Features; 4.3 Conclusion: Game; 4.4 Project Ideas; 5 Gameful L2 Learning; 5.1 SLA and Gameful L2 Learning; 5.1.1 A Structural-Behaviorist View of Gameful L2 Learning; 5.1.2 A Psycho-Cognitive View of Gameful L2 Learning; 5.1.3 Social-Informed Perspectives on Gameful L2 Learning
5.1.4 Ecological Perspectives on Gameful L2 Learning; 5.2 Affordances for Gameful L2 Learning; 5.2.1 Contextualized Language Learning; 5.2.2 Time for L2 Use and Learning; 5.2.3 Spaces for Sheltered Practice; 5.2.4 Goal-Oriented Learning and Feedback; 5.2.5 Opportunities for Languaging and Social Collaboration; 5.2.6 Identity Work and Play; 5.2.7 Time/Place (In)Dependent Learning; 5.2.8 Autonomous, Extramural Learning; 5.3 Conclusion: Learning; 5.4 Project Ideas; 6 Game-Enhanced L2TL; 6.1 Pedagogical Mediation; 6.2 Evaluating and Choosing a Game; 6.2.1 Affordances; 6.2.2 CALL Appropriateness
6.2.3 Play Preferences and Dispositions; 6.2.4 Conclusion: Evaluating and Choosing a Game; 6.3 Frameworks for Game-Enhanced Activity Design; 6.3.1 Gaming Literacies; 6.3.2 Game Discourses and Functions; 6.3.3 Narrativization; 6.3.4 Experiential Learning; 6.3.5 Bridging Activities; 6.3.6 Conclusion: Frameworks; 6.4 A Guide to Game-Enhanced L2 Instruction; 6.4.1 Evaluating and Choosing the Game; Affordances; CALL Appropriateness; Play Preferences and Dispositions; 6.4.2 Project Design and Implementation; 6.4.3 Sample Projects; 6.5 Conclusion: Game-Enhanced L2TL
This book offers a comprehensive examination of the theory, research, and practice of the use of digital games in second and foreign language teaching and learning (L2TL). It explores how to harness the enthusiasm, engagement, and motivation that digital gaming can inspire by adopting a gameful L2TL approach that encompasses game-enhanced, game-informed, and game-based practice. The first part of the book situates gameful L2TL in the global practices of informal learnful L2 gaming and in the theories of play and games which are then applied throughout the discussion of gameful L2TL practice that follows. This includes analysis of practices of digital game-enhanced L2TL design (the use of vernacular, commercial games), game-informed L2TL design (gamification and the general application of gameful principles to L2 pedagogy), and game-based L2TL design (the creation of digital games purposed for L2 learning). Designed as a guide for researchers and teachers, the book also offers fresh insights for scholars of applied linguistics, second language acquisition, L2 pedagogy, computer-assisted language learning (CALL), game studies, and game design that will open pathways to future developments in the field. Jonathon Reinhardt is Associate Professor of English Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition and Teaching at the University of Arizona, USA.--
Springer Nature
Gameful second and foreign Language teaching and learning.
Language and languages-- Study and teaching.
Second language acquisition.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY-- Multi-Language Phrasebooks.
Language and languages-- Study and teaching.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Alphabets & Writing Systems.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Linguistics-- General.