Intro; Contents; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Pollution and Carbon Dioxide; 1.2 Brief History of Climate Change Science; 1.3 The Climate Change in the Political Debate; 1.4 The Role of the Public Opinion; 1.5 Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies; 1.6 Book Motivations and Objectives; 1.7 Book Overview; References; 2 Process Modeling in Aspen Plus®; 2.1 Process Description; 2.2 Building the Model in Aspen Plus®; 2.3 Properties Environment; 2.3.1 Components; 2.3.2 Thermodynamics; 2.4 Simulation Environment; 2.4.1 Streams Characterization; 2.4.2 Chemical Reactions; 2.5 The Aspen Plus® RadFrac" Model
2.5.1 Equilibrium Stages Mode2.5.2 Rate-Based Mode; Bulk Modeling; Film Modeling-Resistances; Film Modeling-Liquid Film Discretization; Rate-Based Model Parameters Evaluation; 2.6 Analysis of the Fluid Dynamics; 2.6.1 Axial Diffusion/Dispersion-Peclet Number Analysis; 2.6.2 Backmixing Due to the Countercurrent; 2.6.3 The Number of Segments Analysis; References; 3 Model Validation for the Absorber; 3.1 Absorption Section Case Studies; 3.2 The Temperature Bulge; 3.3 Peclet Number Analysis; 3.4 Backmixing Due to the Countercurrent Effect
3.5 Rate-Based Model Set-Up3.5.1 Rate-Based Correlations; 3.5.2 Liquid Film Discretization Parameters; 3.6 Laboratory-Scale Plant: Run T22; 3.6.1 Number of Segments Analysis; 3.6.2 Comparison with the Experimental Data; 3.7 Large-Scale Plant: Run 1-A2; References; 4 Model Validation for the Stripper; 4.1 Introduction to the Stripping Section Modeling; 4.2 Stripping Section Case Studies; 4.3 Stripper Degrees of Freedom; 4.4 Peclet Number Analysis; 4.5 SINTEF Plant: Run 1; 4.6 UTA Plant: Run 47; References; 5 Absorption Section Design Analysis
5.1 Introduction to the Design of an Industrial CO2-MEA Reactive Absorption Plant5.2 Process Description; 5.3 Feed Streams Characterization; 5.4 Absorber Analysis and Design Implications; 5.4.1 Evaluation of the Minimum Number of Absorbers and the Minimum Solvent Flow Rate; 5.4.2 The Role of the Temperature Bulge in the Absorber Design; 5.4.3 Evaluation of the Effective Solvent Flow Rate and the Effective Column Dimensions; L/V Ratio Analysis; Absorber Liquid Temperature Profiles; Absorber Dimensions; 5.5 Absorber Design Procedure Summary; References
6 Stripping Section Design Analysis6.1 Introduction to the Design of an Industrial CO2-MEA Reactive Stripping Plant; 6.2 Stripper Configuration; 6.3 Stripper Operating Conditions; 6.3.1 Stripper Pressure; 6.3.2 Condenser Temperature; 6.3.3 Stripper Performance; 6.4 Stripper Analysis and Design Implications; 6.4.1 Rich Solvent Characterization; 6.4.2 Effect of the Packing Height; 6.5 Stripper Design Procedure Summary; References; 7 Complete Flowsheet and Economic Evaluation; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Complete Flowsheet; 7.3 Cross Heat-Exchanger; 7.3.1 Effect of the Stripper Feed Temperature
This book focuses on modelling issues and their implications for the correct design of reactive absorption-desorption systems. In addition, it addresses the case of carbon dioxide (CO2) post-combustion capture in detail. The book proposes a new perspective on these systems, and provides technological solutions with comparisons to previous treatments of the subject. The model that is proposed is subsequently validated using experimental data. In addition, the book features graphs to guide readers with immediate visualizations of the benefits of the methodology proposed. It shows a systematic procedure for the steady-state model-based design of a CO2 post-combustion capture plant that employs reactive absorption-stripping, using monoethanolamine as the solvent. It also discusses the minimization of energy consumption, both through the modification of the plant flowsheet and the set-up of the operating parameters. The book offers a unique source of information for researchers and practitioners alike, as it also includes an economic analysis of the complete plant. Further, it will be of interest to all academics and students whose work involves reactive absorption-stripping design and the modelling of reactive absorption-stripping systems.
Springer Nature
CO2 capture by reactive absorption-stripping.
Carbon dioxide capture by reactive absorption-stripping
Absorption-- Analysis.
Chemical engineering-- Technological innovations.
Chemical engineering-- Technological innovations.
SCIENCE-- Chemistry-- Industrial & Technical.
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING-- Chemical & Biochemical.