edited by James Lam, Yun Chen, Xingwen Liu, Xudong Zhao, Junfeng Zhang.
Cham :
1 online resource (xv, 333 pages)
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences,
0170-8643 ;
Ccompartmental Switched Systems -- Markovian Jump Systems -- Boolean Networks -- Positive Delay Systems.
Positive Random Systems with Application to Investment / Luenberger, David G. -- Rational Positive Systems for Reaction Networks / Schuppen, Jan H. -- Min-plus and Max-plus System Theory Applied to Communication Networks / Boudec, Jean-Yves (et al.) -- Reachability and Invariance Problems in Max-plus Algebra / Gaubert, Stéphane (et al.) -- Modelling of Urban Bus Networks in Dioids Algebra / Lahaye, Sébastien (et al.) -- Modal Logic and Dioids / Pessanha, Christiano P. (et al.) -- Monotone Linear Dynamical Systems over Dioids / Truffet, Laurent -- Optimal Control for (max, +)-linear Systems in the Presence of Disturbances / Lhommeau, Mehdi (et al.) -- Unforced Continuous Petri Nets and Positive Systems / Silva, Manuel (et al.) -- Reachability Graph for Autonomous Continuous Petri Nets / David, René (et al.) -- Modeling Hybrid Positive Systems with Hybrid Petri Nets / Gribaudo, Marco (et al.) -- Simulation and Control of a Bottling Plant using First-order Hybrid Petri Nets / Armosini, Roberta (et al.) -- Parameter Identifiability of Nonlinear Biological Systems / Saccomani, Mariapia (et al.) -- Towards Whole Cell "in Silico" Models for Cellular Systems: Model Set-up and Model Validation / Kremling, Andreas (et al.) -- Guaranteed Parameter Estimation for Cooperative Models / Kieffer, Michel (et al.) -- Modeling and Simulation of Genetic Regulatory Networks / Jong, Hidde -- Qualitative Analysis of Regulatory Graphs: A Computational Tool Based on a Discrete Formal Framework / Chaouiya, Claudine (et al.) -- A Reconstruction Algorithm for Gene Regulatory Sparse Networks using Positive Systems / Mogno, Ilaria -- The Basic Reproduction Number in a Multi-city Compartmental Epidemic Model / Arino, Julien (et al.) -- Stability Analysis of a Metabolic Model with Sequential Feedback Inhibition / Chitour, Yacine (et al.) -- Differential Systems with Positive Variables / Gouzé, Jean-Luc -- Positivity and Invariance Properties of Nonisothermal Tubular Reactor Nonlinear Models / Laabissi, Mohamed (et al.) -- A Feedback Perspective for Chemostat Models with Crowding Effects / Leenheer, Patrick (et al.) -- Positive Control for a Class of Nonlinear Positive Systems / Mailleret, Ludovic -- Competitive and Cooperative Systems: A Mini-review / Hirsch, Morris W. (et al.) -- Small-gain Theorems for Predator-prey Systems / Leenheer, Patrick De (et al.) -- Positive Particle Interaction / Krause, Ulrich -- Stability of Linear Systems and Positive Semigroups of Symmetric Matrices / Damm, Tobias -- Digraph-based Conditioning for Markov Chains / Kirkland, Stephen J. -- Paths and Cycles in the Totally Positive Completion Problem / Jordán, Cristina (et al.) -- Completion Problems for Positive Matrices with Minimal Rank / Cantó, Rafael (et al.) -- Some Problems about Structural Properties of Positive Descriptor Systems / Bru, Rafael (et al.) -- Positive Linear Systems Reachability Criterion in Digraph Form / Rumchev, Ventsi G. -- A Characterization of Reachable Positive Periodic Descriptor Systems / Cantó, Begoña (et al.) -- A PLDS Model of Pollution in Connected Water Reservoirs / Kostova, Snezhana P. -- Positivity for Matrix Systems: A Case Study from Quantum Mechanics / Altafini, Claudio -- A Simple Food Chain Model with Delay / Cavani, Mario (et al.) -- Linear Positive Systems and Phase-type Representations / Commault, Christian -- Blending Positive Matrix Pencils with Economic Models / Lima, Teresa P. de -- On the Positive Reachability of 2D Positive Systems / Fornasini, Ettore (et al.) -- On Nonnegative Realizations / Förster, Karl-Heinz (et al.) -- Estimation and Strong Approximation of Hidden Markov Models / Gerencsér, László (et al.) -- A Paradigm for Derivatives of Positive Systems / Heidergott, Bernd -- Nonlinear Positive 2D Systems and Optimal Control / Idczak, Dariusz (et al.) -- State Feedback Set Stabilization for a Class of Nonlinear Systems / Imsland, Lars (et al.) -- Some Recent Developments in Positive 2D Systems / Kaczorek, Tadeusz -- Nonnegative Infinite Hankel Matrices having a Finite Rank / Morettin, Andrea -- The Character of an Idempotent-analytic Nonlinear Small Gain Theorem / Potrykus, Henry G. (et al.) -- Positive Systems with Nondecreasing Controls. Existence and Well-posedness / Walczak, Stanisław (et al.).
This book presents high-quality original contributions on positive systems, including those with positivity in compartmental switched systems, Markovian jump systems, Boolean networks, interval observer design, fault detection, and delay systems. It comprises a selection of the best papers from POSTA 2018, the 6th International Conference on Positive Systems, which was held in Hangzhou, China, in August 2018. The POSTA conference series represents a targeted response to the growing need for research that reports on and critically discusses a wide range of topics concerning the theory and applications of positive systems. The book offers valuable insights for researchers in applied mathematics, control theory and their applications.
Springer Nature
Computational intelligence, Congresses.
Control theory-- Computer programs, Congresses.
Positive systems, Congresses.
Computational intelligence.
Control theory-- Computer programs.
Positive systems.
Chen, Yun
Lam, James
Liu, Xingwen
Zhang, Junfeng
Zhao, Xudong
International Conference on Positive Systems(6th :2018 :, Hangzhou, China)