Michelle B. Riba, Sagar V. Parikh, John F. Greden, editors.
Cham, Switzerland :
1 online resource
Integrating psychiatry and primary care
Includes bibliographical references.
Healthy minds at work: challenges and strategies for businesses / John F. Greden, Rosalind Garcia-Tosi, and Anne White Harrington -- The economic impact of depression in the workplace / Kyle L. Grazier -- Workplace mental health in Canada: towards a digital future / Kathleen Qu and Sam Ozersky -- Australian experiences / Kym Jenkins and Samuel B. Harvey -- UK experiences / Matthew Shaw -- Implementing an economic evaluation of a workplace mental health intervention: a primer / Carolyn S. Dewa and Jeffrey S. Hoch -- Cognitive dysfunction in the workplace: focus on depression / Raymond W. Lam and Carol Persad -- Assessment and treatment of mood and anxiety disorders in the workplace / Danielle S. Taubman, Vytas Velyvis, and Sagar V. Parikh -- Substance use disorders / Justine W. Welsh, Yujia Shentu, and J. Wesley Boyd -- Suicide prevention in the workplace / Maggie G. Mortali and Christine Moutier -- Work-associated trauma / Joshua C. Morganstein, James C. West, and Robert J. Ursano -- Corporate strategies: employer and insurer's perspective / Hyong Un and Laurel Pickering // Mindfulness-based workplace interventions for wellness promotion / Anthony P. King.
Intro; Foreword I; Foreword II; Contents; Associate Editor; 1: Healthy Minds at Work: Challenges and Strategies for Businesses; 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 Terminology; 1.2.1 Stress and Anxiety; 1.2.2 Depressive Illnesses; 1.2.3 Workplace Suicides; 1.2.4 Substance Misuse; 1.3 Costs; 1.3.1 Economic Costs; 1.3.2 Noneconomic Costs and the Impact of Family Members with Mental Health Issues; 1.3.3 Investment; 1.4 Challenges Business Leaders Must Seek to Overcome; 1.4.1 A Single-Lens Focus; 1.4.2 Stigma and Distrust; 1.4.3 Organizational Impediments
1.5 Recommended Actions for Business Leaders to Consider1.5.1 Provide Comprehensive and Tailored Programs that Enhance Prevention; 1.5.2 Facilitate Organizational Engagement; Leaders; Supervisors and Managers; Peers; Spokespersons; Champions; 1.5.3 Develop a Supportive Team Culture; 1.5.4 Encourage Self-Help Behaviors; 1.5.5 Create Effective Internal Marketing to Counteract Stigma; 1.5.6 Join Partnerships and External Campaigns; 1.5.7 Use Existing Internal and External Human Resource and Employee Assistance Programs
1.5.8 Undertake Appropriate Assessment and Evaluation1.6 Healthy Minds at Work Programs: The Time Is Now; References; 2: The Economic Impact of Depression in the Workplace; 2.1 Introduction; 2.2 Scope of the Problem; 2.2.1 The Importance of Depression in the Workplace; 2.2.2 The Economic Burden of Depression; 2.2.3 Attributable Costs; 2.2.4 The Role of Insurance and Health Benefits; 2.2.5 Absenteeism and Presenteeism; 2.2.6 Workplace Programs for Depression; 2.2.7 Future Economics of Workplace Depression; 2.3 Conclusion/Summary; 2.4 Key Points; References
3.2.6 Government Investment3.2.7 Employee Mental Health; 3.3 Towards Digital Solutions; 3.3.1 Advancing E-Mental Health; 3.3.2 Guarding Minds @ Work; 3.3.3 FeelingBetterNow®; 3.4 Conclusion; 3.5 Key Points; Glossary/Definitions; Potential Resources; References; 4: Australian Experiences; 4.1 Australia and Work in Australia; 4.2 Australian Attempts to Define a Mentally Healthy Workplace; 4.3 Australian Frameworks for the Creation of Mentally Healthy Workplaces; 4.4 National and Government Roles; 4.5 Other Australian Resources and Programs; 4.5.1 Mental Health First Aid
3: Workplace Mental Health in Canada: Towards a Digital Future3.1 Introduction; 3.1.1 Evolution of MH in Canada and Health Care; 3.1.2 The Canadian Workplace and Mental Health; 3.2 Scope of Problem; 3.2.1 Gaps in Care and Barriers to Access; Canadian Barriers to Accessing Quality Mental Health Care; Workplace Mental Health Barriers; 3.2.2 Canadian Responses to Workplace Mental Health; 3.2.3 The National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace; 3.2.4 Mental Health First Aid; 3.2.5 Mental Health Peer Support
This book offers a guide to better understanding models of workplace mental health, as well as best practices for mental health professionals, employee assistance groups, employers and employees alike. The cost of depression at the workplace is staggering, both in terms of absenteeism and productivity loss while at work, and in terms of human and family suffering. Depression is highly prevalent and affects employees' concentration, decision-making skills and memory, contributing to accidents and quality issues. Analyses indicate that the returns on investment for workplace mental health programs are significant, with employers reporting lower productivity-related financial losses and less need staff turnover due to mental health conditions. The book also addresses substance use and misuse, and ways to address such problems.