Intro; Preface; Contents; Notes on Contributors; Part I Setting the Context to Gender and Queer Perspectives on Brexit; Chapter 1 Brexit: Using Gender and Queer Lenses; 1 It's not Only About Trade and Migration; 2 A Myriad of Takes on Brexit; 3 Setting the Context, Assessing the Impact, Listening to Devolved Voices and Looking Beyond Our Borders; Bibliography; Chapter 2 Toxic Masculinity: Militarism, Deal-Making and the Performance of Brexit; 1 Introduction; 2 Gendered Studies of Brexit; 3 Toxic Masculinity: Discourses of Militarism and Deal-Making
3 The EU Acquis and the UK LegislationExpectant and New Mothers; Provisions for Fathers, Parents and Carers; 4 The Post-Brexit Scenario: An Educated Guess; The Status Quo and the Progressive Scenarios; The Regressive Scenario; The EU Acquis: So Much More Than Just Legislation and Case Law; A Brexit Effect for the EU?; 5 Conclusions; Bibliography; Chapter 5 The Vulnerable, the Dependant and the Scrounger: Intersectional Reflections on Disability, Care, Health and Migration in the Brexit Project; 1 Introduction; 2 As a Disabled EU Citizen ... ; 3 Trade, Regulations and Funding; Trade
4 Brexit and the Culture of British Politics5 The Campaign Discourse: 'Make Britain Great Again'; 6 After the Vote: The Brexiter Worldview Ascendent; 7 The Consequences of the Militarist and Deal-Making Discourses; 8 Conclusion: Critical Feminism, Toxic Masculinity, and Brexit; Bibliography; Chapter 3 A New World Order?; 1 Introduction; 2 A Personal Response; 3 Conclusion; Bibliography; Part II The UK and the EU: What Future Ahead?; Chapter 4 The Unintended Consequences of Brexit: The Case of Work-Life Balance; 1 Introduction; 2 The Concept of Work-Life Balance
Detailed Analysis of Three European Cases Involving the Second-Chance Procedure4 Losses Arising from Brexit; Parental Responsibility; Civil Protection Orders; Divorce and Finance; The CJEU and Mutual Trust; 5 Conclusion; Bibliography; Chapter 7 Who Speaks for the Zambrano Families? Multi-level Abandonment in the UK and EU; 1 Introduction; 2 Zambrano Infants and Their Carers; 3 The National Response to the Zambrano Ruling; 4 EU Citizenship and the Joint Report of December 2017: The Exclusion of the Zambrano Families; 5 Engineering Destitution for Black Women Heads of Zambrano Families
RegulationsFunding; 4 Brexit, Care, Disability and Gender; 5 Intra-EU Migration, Disability and Benefits; 6 The Intersectional Precarity of Disability; 7 Disability and Settled Status After Brexit; 8 Final Considerations; Bibliography; Chapter 6 The Potential Effects of Brexit on the Cross-Border Circulation of Private Family Law Judgments; with a Particular Focus on Questions Relating to Gender; 1 Introduction; 2 Brussels IIa, the Maintenance Regulation and Reciprocity; Reciprocity and the EU Withdrawal Bill; 3 Opportunities Arising from Brexit; Child Abduction and Brussels IIa
This collection examines the opportunities and challenges, rights and wrongs, and prospects and risks of Brexit from the perspectives of gender and sexuality. While much has been written about Brexit from legal, political, social and economic perspectives, there has been little analysis of the effects of Brexit on women and gender/sexual minorities who have historically been marginalised and whose voices have been less audible in political debates - both nationally and at the European level. The collection explores how Brexit might change the equality, human rights and social justice landscape, but from the viewpoint of women and gender/sexual minorities. The contributions gathered in it demonstrate the variety of ways that Brexit will make a difference to the lives of women and individuals marginalised because of gender or sexual identity.--
Springer Nature
Gender and queer perspectives on Brexit.
Gender identity-- Political aspects-- European Union countries.
Gender mainstreaming-- Political aspects-- European Union countries.
Gender mainstreaming-- Political aspects-- Great Britain.
Sex role-- Political aspects-- European Union countries.