Advances on broadband and wireless computing, communication and applications :
proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA-2018) /
Leonard Barolli, Fang-Yie Leu, Tomoya Enokido, Hsing-Chung Chen, editors.
Cham :
1 online resource (815 pages)
Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies Ser. ;
v. 25
Min-Min Scheduling Algorithm for Efficient Resource Distribution Using Cloud and Fog in Smart Buildings.
Intro; Welcome Message of BWCCA-2018 International Conference Organizers; Welcome Message from BWCCA-2018 Workshops Co-chairs; BWCCA-2018 Organizing Committee; Honorary Co-chairs; General Co-chairs; Program Committee Co-chairs; Workshop Co-chairs; Finance Chair; Web Administrator Co-chairs; Local Organizing Co-chairs; Steering Committee Co-chairs; Track Areas; 1. Next-Generation Wireless Networks; Chairs; PC Members; 2. Cloud and Service Computing; Chairs; PC Members; 3. Multimedia and Web Applications; Chairs; PC Members; 4. Security and Privacy; Chairs; PC Members.
5. Network Protocols and Performance AnalysisChairs; PC Members; 6. Intelligent and Cognitive Computing; Chairs; PC Members; 7. Distributed and Parallel Computing; Chairs; PC Members; 8. IoT and Smart Environment; Chairs; PC Members; 9. Database, Data Mining and Big Data; Chairs; PC Members; Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing; Chairs; PC Members; BWCCA-2018 Reviewers; Welcome Message from MNSA-2018 International Symposium Co-chairs; MNSA-2018 Organizing Committee; Symposium Co-chairs; Symposium PC Chair; Program Committee Members.
Program Committee MembersWeb Administrator Co-chairs; Message from ATASP-2018 International Workshop Organizers; ATASP-2018 International Workshop Organizers; Workshop Co-chairs; Workshop PC Co-chairs; Program Committee Members; Web Administrator Co-chairs; Message from LSNIC-2018 International Workshop Organizers; LSNIC-2018 Organizing Committee; Workshop Co-chairs; Program Committee Members; Web Administrator Co-chairs; BWCCA-2018 Keynote Talks; Deep Learning Platform for B5G Mobile Network; Intelligent Context Awareness in Internet of Agricultural Things.
Softwarization and Virtualization of 5G Core NetworksContents; The 13th International Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA-2018); Efficient Resource Allocation for Residential Smart Buildings Using Integrated Cloud and Fog Environment in Smart Grid; 1 Introduction; 1.1 Motivation; 1.2 Contributions; 1.3 Organization; 2 Related Work; 3 Problem Formulation; 4 System Model; 5 Load Balancing Algorithms; 5.1 Round Robin; 5.2 Throttled; 5.3 Highest Response Ratio Next; 6 Simulation and Discussion; 7 Conclusion; References.
Welcome Message from NGWMN-2018 International Workshop Co-chairsNGWMN-2018 Co-chairs; NGWMN-2018 Organizing Committee; Workshop Co-chairs; Program Committee Members; Message from MAPWC-2018 International Workshop Organizers; MAPWC-2018 Organizing Committee; Workshop Chair; Workshop PC Co-chairs; Program Committee Members; Message from CWECS-2018 International Workshop Organizers; CWECS -2018 Organizing Committee; Workshop Co-chairs; Workshop PC Co-chairs; Program Committee Members; Message from RVI3C-2018 International Workshop Organizers; RVI3C-2018 Organizing Committee; Workshop Co-chairs.
This book presents on the latest research findings, and innovative research methods and development techniques related to the emerging areas of broadband and wireless computing from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Information networking is evolving rapidly with various kinds of networks with different characteristics emerging and being integrated into heterogeneous networks. As a result, a number of interconnection problems can occur at different levels of the communicating entities and communication networks' hardware and software design. These networks need to manage an increasing usage demand, provide support for a significant number of services, guarantee their QoS, and optimize the network resources. The success of all-IP networking and wireless technology has changed the way of life for people around the world, and the advances in electronic integration and wireless communications will pave the way for access to the wireless networks on the fly. This in turn means that all electronic devices will be able to exchange the information with each other in a ubiquitous way whenever necessary.
Springer Nature
Advances on broadband and wireless computing, communication and applications :
BWCCA 2018
Broadband communication systems, Congresses.
Wireless communication systems, Congresses.
Artificial intelligence.
Broadband communication systems.
Communications engineering-- telecommunications.
Wireless communication systems.
TEC-- 009070
Barolli, Leonard.
Chen, Hsing-Chung.
Enokido, Tomoya.
Leu, Fang-Yie.
International Conference on Broadband, Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications(13th :2018 :, Taichung, Taiwan)