Intro; Foreword; Acknowledgements; Contents; Editors and Contributors; Introduction; The History and Structure of Language Teacher Associations (LTAs); The History ofLanguage TeacherAssociations; 1 Introduction: AnOld Profession; 2 The Earliest Professional Organizations; 3 The First Language Societies; 4 The First Modern Professional Societies; 4.1 Language Education Associations; 4.2 The Creation ofanEarly Language TeacherAssociation; 4.3 The Increase intheNumber ofLTAs; 4.4 More Recently; 5 Conclusion; References
1 Introduction2 Methods; 2.1 Data Collection; 2.2 Data Analysis; 3 Findings; 3.1 Strategies toRecruit Student Members; 3.2 Strategies toAcknowledge theValue ofStudent Members; 3.3 Strategies toAllow Student Contributions; 3.4 Strategies toMeet theNeeds ofStudent Members; 4 Limitations andFuture Research; 5 Recommendations; 6 Conclusion; Appendix; References; LTAs Forms of Professional Development; Teacher Development Through LanguageTeacher Associations: Lessons fromAfrica; 1 Introduction; 2 Literature Review; 2.1 Africa TESOL andits Affiliates; 2.2 Communities ofPractice
3 Methodology3.1 Participants; 3.2 Data Analysis; 4 Findings; 4.1 Survey; 4.2 Interviews; 5 Conclusion; Appendix; References; Killing Two Birds withOne Stone: SPELT's Professional Development Programs; 1 Introduction; 2 SPELT: ABrief Description; 2.1 Activities forTeacher Development inPakistan; 2.2 Monthly Academic Sessions: Developing aCulture ofTeachers Learning withandfromEach Other; 2.3 Annual Conference; 2.4 Newsletter/Journal; 2.5 Workshops andCourses forTeacher Development; 2.6 Features oftheICELT Program; 3 The Study; 3.1 Methodology; 3.2 Findings andDiscussion
Examining theOrganizational Structure ofLanguage Teacher Associations: AReport onStrategic Direction andFunctionality1 Introduction; 2 Factors Affecting Structure andOrganization ofLTAs; 3 Working Parties Within theStructure andOrganization ofLTAs; 4 Sample Structure fromDifferent LTAs; 4.1 TESOL (Teachers ofEnglish toSpeakers ofOther Languages) International Association; 4.2 IATEFL (International Association ofTeaching English asaForeign Language); 4.3 Africa TESOL; 4.4 ELTAM (English Language Teachers' Association ofMacedonia); 4.5 Local LTAs inGermany; 5 Conclusion
Providing a timely and much-needed resource on LTAs, the book helps readers recognize the importance and nature of teachers' professional development, while also contributing to the process of educational change. In order to achieve a suitable level of educational and policy change, a research base for LTAs is called for. This book represents a step in the right direction, introducing readers to essential research on the central role of LTAs in language teachers' development. Although pre-service and in-service education programs, to be found at government and/or private institutions, are of great value, it is impossible to prepare teachers for all the challenges they will face throughout their careers. In response, many professional associations also provide a wide range of professional development activities for their teacher members. The book will be of interest to language teachers, graduate students, teacher educators and researchers, educational leaders and policymakers, as well as teacher associations.
Springer Nature
English language-- Study and teaching-- Foreign speakers.
Language teachers-- Training of.
Professional associations.
English language-- Study and teaching-- Foreign speakers.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY-- Multi-Language Phrasebooks.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Alphabets & Writing Systems.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Grammar & Punctuation.
LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES-- Linguistics-- General.