connecting long-term social and psychic processes /
Cas Wouters, Michael Dunning, editors.
Cham, Switzerland :
Palgrave Macmillan,
1 online resource
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Preface -- Acknowledgements -- Notes on contributors. Part 1 Civilisation and informalisation: the book. Six chapters / Cas Wouters. 1 Informalisation: an introduction : Signposts -- Western social codes in phases from formalisation to informalisation -- Two implications of introducing informalisation as a theory and as a process -- Excursus: Norbert Elias and informalisation -- Informalisation and the transformation known as the Renaissance -- Informalisation and the necessary critical degree of preceding formalisation -- Social and psychic integration and integration conflicts -- A shift from guilt to shame and shaming -- Traditional shame cultures, inner-directed guilt cultures, and other-directed shame cultures. 2 Informalisation and evolution: four phases in the development of steering codes : Preview and signposts -- Two sequential long-term processes of formalisation and informalisation -- Two transitions from formalisation to informalisation: a theoretical comparison. 3 Informalisation and emancipation of lust and love: integration of sexualisation and eroticisation since the 1880s : Preview -- Formalisation and informalisation -- Informalisation in relations between parents and children -- Gender and sex: the lust balance -- Trial and error as collective processes: sexualisation and eroticisation -- Trial and error before the 1960s: two social class trajectories -- New practices and new concepts -- Process continuities in class differences before and after the 1960s -- Avoiding old practices and a quest for new words -- Recent developments towards integration: Sexual intimidation, sexual violence, and #MeToo ; Declining differences between social classes -- Where are we now? Paradoxes and interpretations. 4 Informalisation of rituals in dying and mourning: changes in the We-I balance : Introduction -- Changes in the We-I balance: solidarisation and individualisation -- From a "regime of silence and sacred lies" to an "emancipation of emotions" -- From fixed rules in closed networks towards flexible rules in open networks -- Rituals and feelings of despair and powerlessness -- Tugs of war and ambivalence towards mourning ritual -- Nostalgic longing for old we-identities -- Phases in individual and social processes: changes in the We-I balance -- The 'memento mori" function of public debates on euthanasia -- Epilogue on the need for a modern "memento mori". 5 Informalisation, functional democratisation, and globalisation : Functional democratisation or "diminishing contrasts" and informalisation or "increasing varieties" as side effects of differentiation and integration processes -- The introduction of functional democratisation and its "counterpart" -- Processes of integration with part-processes of disintegration and defunctionalisation as unintended side effects: examples on various levels -- Growing interdependence triggers an ambivalence that reduces power potentials between groups: functional democratisation -- Decolonisation as an example of functional democratisation -- On processes of social differentiation and integration: the force of the competition and interweaving mechanism -- On the shifting balance of power between politicians (physical safety) and business people (material security) -- Where are we now? 6 Universally applicable criteria for analysing social and psychic processes: nine tension balances, one triad : Introduction -- The triad of basic controls -- Nine tension balances -- Conclusion. Part 2 Civilisation and informalisation: the selection. Six chapters by six authors. 7 Informalisation through the lens: black and white and the development of photography as art / Jonathan Fletcher : Summary -- The contemporary appeal of black and white -- Four phases in the development of photography as art: Co-existence: early 1840s-mid-1880s ; Challenge: mid-1880s-early 1900s ; Emancipation: early 1900s-early 1960s ; Integration: early 1960s-present -- Informalisation, black and white photography as art : Individualisation and good society ; Photography, photographers and the established-outsider dynamic ; Aestheticisation and the aesthetic tension-balance ; Formalisation and photographic realism ; Monochrome and the quest for authenticity. 8 Informalisation and brutalisation: jihadism as a part-process of global integration and disintegration / Michael Dunning : Introduction -- Global social processes and the growth of salafi-jihadism -- Integration, equalisation and informalisation -- Salafi-jihadists and the stigmatisation of the West -- ISIS brutality -- Integration conflicts and defunctionalisation -- Brutalisation as a paradigmatic process -- The process of brutalisation in Iraq -- The process of brutalisation in the West -- Conclusion. 9 Informalisation and sport: the case of jogging-running the USA (1960-2000) / Raúl Sánchez García : Introduction -- The informalising phase of jogging/running in the USA during the 1960s and 1970s : the formalising trend ; the informalising trend -- Early reformalisation phase of jogging/running during the 1980s -- The late reformalisation phase of running during the 1990s -- Concluding remarks. 10 Informalisation and integration conflicts: the two-faced reception of migrants in the Netherlands / Arjan Post : Introduction: informalisation and re-formalisation -- The minorisation of minorities -- From xenophilia to xenophobia in the 1980s -- A multi-level model of integration conflicts -- Reflection: the paradox of permissiveness. 11 Formalisation and informalisation of meeting manners / Wilbert van Vree : The meeting concept -- The emergence of collective steering capacities -- Meetings in foragers' societies -- Meetingisation and autocratisation -- Meetingisation in agrarian societies -- Parliamentarisation of meeting behaviour -- Informalisation of meeting manners in parliamentary-industrial societies -- Meeting regimes and self-control -- The meetingisation of work -- Two meeting models. 12 Informalisation, sociological theory and social diagnosis / Richard Kilminster : Preface -- Sociology, para-sociology and informalisation : neo-tribes: the decline and individualism? ; reflexive modernisation as political conceit ; liquid Marxism: the pyrrhic victory of metaphor over evidence -- Concluding remarks. References -- Index.
Over the last century and half, regimes of manners and emotions in the West have become less status ridden, stiff and rigid. This increasing informality, leniency and flexibility, comes hand-in-hand with a growing demand on individuals to self-regulate their emotions. Debates around Norbert Elias' theory of civilizing processes have given rise to questions regarding the direction of these changes: are civilizing processes changing direction? The theory of informalization will stimulate debates about changing balances of power and standards of manners, morals and emotion regulation. It will generate new avenues of inquiry and offer a broader scope on the present social condition of humanity.