4.2 The Access of Protein Binding Pockets to PI(3,4,5)P2 Is Controlled by Peptide Segments Acting as Sentinel
Intro; Preface; Contents; Part I Introduction; Understanding Membranes and Vesicles: A Personal Recollection of the Last Two Decades; 1 Introduction; 2 Fluid Domains and Rafts in Fluid Membranes; 2.1 Intramembrane Domains in Ternary Lipid Mixtures; 2.2 Lipid Phase Domains or Rafts In Vivo; 2.3 Intramembrane Domains Arising from Protein Clusters; 3 Segmentation of Membranes by Heterogeneous Environments; 3.1 Lateral Diffusion in Cell Membranes; 3.2 Ambience-Induced Segmentation of Membranes; 3.3 Impeded Formation of Intramembrane Domains; 4 Emergence of Membrane Curvature on Nanoscopic Scales
10.3 Exergonic Fission for Large Spontaneous Curvatures10.4 Free Energy Difference for Domain-Induced Fission; 11 Summary and Outlook; References; Advanced Concepts and Perspectives of Membrane Physics; Abbreviations; 1 Introduction; 2 The Composite Cell Membrane a Multipurpose Machine; 3 Generation of Functional Membrane Domains by Electrostatic-Hydrophobic Recruitment of Proteins; 4 Transmembrane Signal Transmission by Remodeling of Plasma Membranes; 4.1 Regulation of PI(4,5)P2-PI(3,4,5)P3 Equilibrium by the Tandem PTEN and PI-3K (Fig. 4a)
4.1 Basic Aspects of Membrane Curvature4.2 Tensionless States of Membranes; 4.3 Simulations of More Complex Membrane Processes; 5 Local Curvature Generation and Spontaneous Curvature; 5.1 Local Curvature Generated by Membrane-Bound Proteins; 5.2 From Local to Spontaneous Curvature; 5.3 Short History of Spontaneous Curvature; 5.4 Sign of Spontaneous Curvature; 6 Two Mechanisms for the Formation of Membrane Nanotubes; 6.1 Spontaneous Tubulation of Membranes; 6.2 Necklace-to-Cylinder Transformation of Nanotubes; 6.3 Increased Robustness of Tubulated Vesicles
6.4 Force-Induced Tubulation of Membranes7 Interplay Between Spontaneous and Force-Induced Tubulation; 7.1 Tube Width Determined by Composite Curvature; 7.2 Composite Curvature and Total Membrane Tension; 7.3 Total Membrane Tension Versus Aspiration Tension; 7.4 Different Parameter Regimes; 8 Engulfment of Nanoparticles by Membranes; 8.1 Nanoparticles in Contact with Membranes; 8.2 (In)stability of Free Particle State and Onset of Adhesion; 8.3 (In)stability of Completely Engulfed Particle State; 8.4 Engulfment Regimes of Single Nanoparticles
8.5 Engulfment Regimes and Local Energy Landscapes8.6 Exocytic Engulfment of Interior Nanoparticles; 8.7 Engulfment Patterns and Curvature-Induced Forces; 8.8 Further Aspects of Membrane-Nanoparticle Interactions; 9 Wetting of Membranes by Aqueous Droplets; 9.1 Transitions Between Distinct Wetting Morphologies; 9.2 Partial Wetting and Apparent Contact Angles; 9.3 Intrinsic Contact Angles; 9.4 Nucleation and Growth of Nanodroplets at Membranes; 10 Topological Transformations of Membranes; 10.1 Free Energy Landscapes of Fusion and Fission; 10.2 Exergonic Fusion for Small Spontaneous Curvatures
This book mainly focuses on key aspects of biomembranes that have emerged over the past 15 years. It covers static and dynamic descriptions, as well as modeling for membrane organization and shape at the local and global (at the cell level) scale. It also discusses several new developments in non-equilibrium aspects that have not yet been covered elsewhere. Biological membranes are the seat of interactions between cells and the rest of the world, and internally, they are at the core of complex dynamic reorganizations and chemical reactions. Despite the long tradition of membrane research in biophysics, the physics of cell membranes as well as of biomimetic or synthetic membranes is a rapidly developing field. Though successful books have already been published on this topic over the past decades, none include the most recent advances. Additionally, in this domain, the traditional distinction between biological and physical approaches tends to blur. This book gathers the most recent advances in this area, and will benefit biologists and physicists alike.