Intro; Contents; Notes on contributors; List of figures; List of tables; Chapter 1: Introduction; Seeing architecture from the outside; Scope of the collection; Bibliography; Part I: Urban landscapes and spatial surveillance; Chapter 2: Exercising control at the urban scale: towards a theory of spatial organisation and surveillance; Introduction; The public and the private; Social spatialisation; Forms and associated narratives of surveillance and control: from eyes on the street to the panopticon
Introduction / Susan Flynn and Antonia Mackay -- Exercising control of the urban scale : towards a theory of spatial organisation and surveillance / Alan Reeve -- Staying awake in the psychetecture of the city : surveillance, architecture, and control in Miracleman and Mister X / Kwasu D. Tembo -- Surveillance and spatial performativity in the scenography of Tower / Lucy Thornett -- Houses, homes, and the horrors of a suburban identity politic / Jaclyn Meloche -- One grey wall and one grey tower : the Bates world in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho / Subarna Mondal -- Architecture and American horror story : reading 'Murder house' on murderous bodies / Antonia Mackay -- Surveillance, sousveillance, and the uncanny domestic architecture of Black Mirror / Luke Reid -- The birds : public art and a narrative of surveillance / Joel Hawkes -- Ireland's Magdalene laundries and the psychological architecture of surveillance / Jennifer O'Mahoney, Lorraine Bowman Grieve, and Alison Torn -- Performing the repentant lover in the courtroom : an analysis of Oscar Pistorius' recreation of hegemonic masculinity / Alexandra Macht -- In the drone-space : surveillance, spatial processing, and the videogame as architectural problem / Nathaniel Zetter -- Sensurround : 4D theatre space and the pliable body / Stacy M. Jameson -- Surveillance and spectacle inside The circle / Brian Jarvis -- Wayfinding re/dicto / Graydon Wetzler -- Epilogue : control(ling) space / Susan Flynn and Antonia Mackay.
Chapter 11: Performing the repentant lover in the courtroom: an analysis of Oscar Pistorious' recreation of hegemonic masculinity; Introduction; Agency, architectural surveillance and processes of othering; Conclusion: the architectural and emotional reshaping of hegemonic masculinity in the courtroom; Bibliography; Part IV: technological cultures of surveillance; Chapter 12: in the drone-space: surveillance, spatial processing, and the videogame as architectural problem; Introduction; Conclusion; Bibliography
Chapter 13: Sensurround: 4D theatre space and the pliable body; Introduction; 4D origins and evolutions towards the sensor collective; The "attractions" of a space that feels for us; Theme park cinema: the "docile body" behind the unruly body; Taken for a ride: reinserting physical aggression in the panoptic schema; 4D cinema as laboratory of social practice; Conclusion; Bibliography; Chapter 14: Surveillance and spectacle inside the circle; Introduction; Bibliography; Chapter 15: Wayfinding re/dicto; Introduction; Ada meets SISL
Despising for you, this city: strategic panopticism and anarcho-tactics in the lebenskafig; Bibliography; Chapter 4: Surveillance and spatial performativity in the scenography of tower; Introduction; Performance and surveillance; Scenography and architecture; Elephant and castle: modernism, social housing and transparency; Tower; Beyond the panopticon; Countervisuality and spectatorship; Conclusion; Bibliography; Part II: Domestic architecture and houses of horror; Chapter 5: Houses, homes, and the horrors of a suburban identity politic; Introduction
Introduction; "Crocodile surveillance, the myth of transparency, and the Corbusian "picture-window"; Framing "nature": repression and the ambivalence of the modernist interior; Nothing to hide: glass architecture's "two-way window" and the performance of identity in "the entire history of you"; Taking pictures: architectural modernism and "unhomely" subject formation; Conclusion: "fifteen million merits" and the uncanny architecture of control; Bibliography; Part III: International spaces, performativity and identity
Introduction; Some of the assemblage(s) of the Olympic Village square; Hitchcock's surveillance narrative reflected through Vancouver's giant sparrows; From the bird's eye to the God's eye of surveillance; Conclusion; Bibliography; Chapter 10: Ireland's Magdalene laundries and the psychological architecture of surveillance; Introduction; Ireland's Magdalene laundries; The psychology of social control; Social control and surveillance; Architecture, surveillance, and social control: St. Mary's Good Shepherd Laundry, Waterford; Conclusion; Bibliography
Signal control de/re; Clandestine listening through the mirror countrawise; Designing sensory problems; Whispering in a room; Counter-conduct in a milieu; Wayfinding interactive infrastructures and other dislocative positionings; A global poetic system; Conclusion: wayfinding spaces inside-out; Bibliography; Chapter 16: Epilogue: control(ling) space; Bibliography; Index
The performativity of architecture; Framing feminist architecture; Suburbia and surveillance; Conclusion; Bibliography; Chapter 6: One grey wall and one grey tower: the bates world in Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho; Introduction; Analytical framework; Visual trope: the vertical and the horizontal; The motel; Cabin no. 1; The parlour, the birds, and the peephole; The bathroom; Bates house; Failure of the prying eye; The basement; The motel, the house, and a body from which there is no escape
The private/public divide; Home as a crime site: its interpretation and reconstruction; "She wouldn't even harm a fly", mother, Norman, and Mann's "sousveillance"; Conclusion; Bibliography; Chapter 7: Architecture and American horror story: reading 'murder house' on murderous bodies; Introduction; The home; Haunted houses; American horror story's "murder house"; Los Angeles, surveillance and the spectral home; Conclusion; Bibliography; Chapter 8: Surveillance, sousveillance, and the uncanny domestic architecture of black mirror
Transgressions in the city: appropriating the gaze; Conclusion; Bibliography; Chapter 3: Staying awake in the psychetecture of the city: surveillance, architecture, and control in miracleman and Mister X; Introduction; Encephalograph skyline: theorizing the city and urban space; There Is nothing beyond the city: theorizing psychetecture; The key to the city does not open anything: on utopia and dystopia in comic book cities
Springer Nature
Surveillance, architecture and control.
Electronic surveillance-- Government policy.
Electronic surveillance-- Social aspects.
Electronic surveillance-- Social aspects.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Political Freedom & Security-- Civil Rights.
POLITICAL SCIENCE-- Political Freedom & Security-- Human Rights.