Intro; Organization Committee; Scientific Committee; Editorial Board; List of Chairmen and Chairwomen; Foreword; Message de S.E. Monsieur l'Ambassadeur Thierry Dana-Ambassadeur de France au Japon; Preface; The Sea Under Human and Natural Impacts: Challenge of Oceanography to the Future Earth; Contents; Introduction; 1 Evolution and Progress Accomplished During Previous French-Japanese Symposiums of Oceanography; Abstract; 1.1 Some Historical Reminders; 1.2 General Themes of Recent French-Japanese Symposiums; 1.3 Experiments Carried Out Thanks to the Seminars and Lessons Learned
1.4 Governance1.5 Resilience; 1.6 Importance of the Role of Cultural Factors in the Exploitation of Resources; 1.6.1 Sato-Yama and Satoumi; 1.6.2 Human Integration in Natural Ecosystems; 1.7 Conclusion; References; 2 Challenge to Resolve Problems in the Ocean and Coastal Waters in Future Earth with Stronger Cooperation Between the Two Societies Franco-Japonaise of Oceanography; Abstract; Acknowledgments; Natural and Anthropogenic Impacts; 3 Slower Decrease in Radioactive Concentrations in Some Fish Species After the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Disaster; Abstract; 3.1 Introduction
3.2 Materials and Methods3.3 Results and Discussion; 3.3.1 Ecological Half-Life of 137Cs; 3.3.2 Diffusion via Fish Movement; 3.3.3 Biological Half-Life of 137Cs in Fish; 3.3.4 Reason for the Slower Decrease of 137Cs in Coastal Fish; Acknowledgements; References; 4 Influence of Behavioral Patterns of Several Fish Species on Their Radioactive Cesium Concentrations Revealed with a Biotelemetry System After the Nuclear Accident Caused by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake; Abstract; 4.1 Introduction; 4.2 Materials and Methods; 4.2.1 Fishing Ground Close to the Coast; 4.2.2 Port Area Near FDNPP
4.3 Results and Discussion4.3.1 Fish Behaviors in the Fishing Ground Close to the Coast; Fish Behaviors; Diurnal Patterns of Fish Behavior; 4.3.2 Fish Behaviors in the Port Near FDNPP; Water Temperature; Tracking Duration; Migration Outside the Port; 4.4 Relation Between Fish Behavior and Radioactive Cs Concentration; Acknowledgements; References; 5 Estimate of Water Quality Change in Osaka Bay Caused by the Suspension of Marine Sediment with Mega Tsunami; Abstract; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 Methods; 5.2.1 Calculation; 5.2.2 Data; 5.3 Results
5.4 Discussion5.5 Conclusion; Acknowledgements; References; 6 Litter in the Mediterranean Sea; Abstract; 6.1 Introduction; 6.2 Source and Distribution; 6.3 Impacts; 6.4 Monitoring; 6.5 Management and Reduction Measures; 6.6 Setting Priorities; References; 7 The European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in France: An Example of Close Cooperation Among Researchers and Fishers to Study and Manage an Endangered Species; Abstract; 7.1 An Historical Overview; 7.2 A Partnership Between Professional Fishers and Scientists to Improve the Knowledge on eel Biology; 7.2.1 The eel Biological Cycle
This book documents the effects of natural hazards on coastal ecosystems in detail. The sea is an indispensable component of the Earth system, and human societies obtain many goods and services from the marine environment. Global warming threatens marine ecosystems through seawater temperature rise, acidification, sea-level rise and the increased frequency of severe storms. The repeated effects of tsunamis also have major impacts on coastal ecosystems. Increases in population and industry activities along the coast cause the degradation of coastal ecosystems through direct and indirect uses of the environment such as reclamation, overexploitation of bioresources, and pollution. Given these facts, we need to improve our understanding of the physical, chemical and biological mechanisms characterizing marine ecosystems, in order to better measure the effects of anthropogenic and natural impacts on the sea and its ecosystems. Equipped with a comprehensive understanding of the sea, including the effects of the main pressures on it, we will have a better idea of the future state of the sea based on several scenarios of global warming. The 16th France-Japan Symposium on Marine Science focused on using advances in oceanography to better understand the current status of the sea from physical, chemical, biological and ecological perspectives, including fishery sciences and integrated approaches.
Springer Nature
Oceanography challenges to future Earth.
Marine sciences, Congresses.
Oceanography, Congresses.
Marine sciences.
SCIENCE-- Earth Sciences-- Geography.
SCIENCE-- Earth Sciences-- Geology.
SCI-- 030000
SCI-- 031000
Ceccaldi, Hubert J.
Henocque, Yves
Komatsu, Teruhisa
Prouzet, Patrick
Yoshida, Jiro
France-Japan Symposium on Marine Sciences in Japan(16th :2015 :, Shiogama, Japan ; Tokyo, Japan ; Hinase, Japan)