Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophical investigations :
an attempt at a critical rationalist appraisal /
Joseph Agassi.
Cham, Switzerland :
Springer Nature,
1 online resource
Synthese library : studies in epistemology, logic, methodology, and philosophy of science ;
Intro; Preface; Two Terminological Notes; Acknowledgment; Abstract; Contents; Chapter 1: Background; 1.1 The Tragedy of Young Wittgenstein; 1.2 Metaphysics Needs No Defense; 1.3 The Analytic School and Politics; 1.4 Analysis; Paradoxes of Analysis; 1.5 Grammatical Errors; Chapter 2: A History of Anti-metaphysics; 2.1 The Doctrine of Prejudice; 2.2 Radicalism; 2.3 The Poverty of the Analytic Scholarship; 2.4 The Rise of Current Anti-metaphysics; Chapter 3: The Waning of Essentialism; 3.1 The Background to Anti-Metaphysics; 3.2 Anti-essentialism; 3.3 Existential Import; 3.4 On Stilted Language
10.3 Signposts in Philosophical Investigations10.4 The Aftermath; Chapter 11: The Message of Philosophical Investigations; 11.1 Analysis Versus Metaphysics; 11.2 Analysis sans Anti-Metaphysics; 11.3 Anti-Essentialism Again; 11.4 Wittgensteinś Heritage; Appendix to Chapter 11; Chapter 12: Analysis of Analysis; 12.1 Meaning as Use; 12.2 Analysis Defended; 12.3 The Limits of Language; 12.4 Wittgensteinś Analytic Approach; 12.5 The Limits of Language and of Thought; Chapter 13: Conclusion: The Place of Wittgenstein; 13.1 Things to Avoid; 13.2 Wittgensteinś Self-Appraisal
13.3 Wittgenstein as a Moralist13.4 The Task of Philosophers; 13.5 The Public Impact of Wittgensteinś Investigations; 13.6 Conclusion; References; Index
3.5 Reinterpretation in Logic and in Science3.6 Methodology, Epistemology and Ontology; Chapter 4: Logic and Mathematics; 4.1 Words, Statements and Inferences; 4.2 The Universe of Discourse; 4.3 The Place of Kant in the Story; 4.4 Logic, Mathematics and Meaning; 4.5 Logic and Mathematics; Chapter 5: Logic and Language; 5.1 Proper Form Versus Truth-Value; 5.2 Laws of Thought Versus Laws of Language; 5.3 Between Logic and Psychology; Chapter 6: Frege; 6.1 Anti-Essentialism Again; 6.2 What Is a Calculus?; 6.3 The Demise of Transcendental Logic; 6.4 Mathematical Logic; Chapter 7: Russell
7.1 The Deduction Theorem7.2 On Denoting; 7.3 The Puzzle; 7.4 Russell and Young Wittgenstein; Chapter 8: Young Wittgenstein; 8.1 Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus; 8.2 Russellian Background; 8.3 Logical Atomism; 8.4 The Significant Meaningless; 8.5 The Dawn of a New Era; Chapter 9: Interim Period: Carnap Versus Popper; 9.1 Background Again; 9.2 The Interim Period; 9.3 Engelmann; 9.4 Ideal Language; 9.5 Wittgenstein and Carnap; 9.6 Criticism; Chapter 10: Ordinary Language Analysis; 10.1 Philosophical Investigations: Background; 10.2 Young and Mature Wittgenstein
This book collects 13 papers that explore Wittgenstein's philosophy throughout the different stages of his career. The author writes from the viewpoint of critical rationalism. The tone of his analysis is friendly and appreciative yet critical. Of these papers, seven are on the background to the philosophy of Wittgenstein. Five papers examine different aspects of it: one on the philosophy of young Wittgenstein, one on his transitional period, and the final three on the philosophy of mature Wittgenstein, chiefly his Philosophical Investigations. The last of these papers, which serves as the concluding chapter, concerns the analytical school of philosophy that grew chiefly under its influence. Wittgenstein's posthumous Philosophical Investigations ignores formal languages while retaining the view of metaphysics as meaningless -- declaring that all languages are metaphysics-free. It was very popular in the middle of the twentieth century. Now it is passe. Wittgenstein had hoped to dissolve all philosophical disputes, yet he generated a new kind of dispute. His claim to have improved the philosophy of life is awkward just because he prevented philosophical discussion from the ability to achieve that: he cut the branch on which he was sitting. This, according to the author, is the most serious critique of Wittgenstein.
Springer Nature
Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophical investigations.
Wittgenstein, Ludwig,1889-1951., Philosophische Untersuchungen., English-- Criticism and interpretation.