Maria Alberich-Carramiñana, Carlos Galindo, Alex Küronya, Joaquim Roé, editors.
Cham, Switzerland :
1 online resource
Trends in mathematics. Research perspectives CRM Barcelona ;
volume 9
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Includes bibliographical references.
Intro; Preface; List of Talks; Contents; Newton-Okounkov Bodies of Exceptional Curve Plane Valuations Non-positive at Infinity; 1 Introduction; 2 The General Setting; 3 Exceptional Curve Plane Valuations and Newton- Okounkov Bodies; 4 The Result; References; Sufficient Conditions for the Finite Generation of Valuation Semigroups; 1 Valuation Semigroups in a Local Domain; 2 Valuation Semigroups in Projective Geometry; 3 Local-Global Interactions; References; From Convex Geometry of Certain Valuations to Positivity Aspects in Algebraic Geometry; 1 Newton-Okounkov Bodies.
2 Convexity Properties of Asymptotic Invariants3 Local Positivity of Divisors Through Convex Geometry; 4 Divisors with Nice Singularities and Convex Geometry; 5 Convex Geometry and Syzygies on Abelian Surfaces; References; Non-positive at Infinity Valuations; 1 Introduction; 2 Preliminaries; 3 The Results; References; Very General Monomial Valuations on œ2 and a Nagata Type Conjecture; 1 History and Motivation; 2 A Valuative Approach to Nagata's Conjecture; References; Valuations on Equicharacteristic Complete Noetherian Local Domains; 1 Introduction; 2 Weights and Overweight Deformations.
The Universal Zeta Function for Curve Singularities and its Relation with Global Zeta Functions1 Introduction; 2 Preliminaries and Notation; 3 The Universal Zeta Function for Curve Singularities; 4 Some Connections Between Local and Global Zeta Functions; References; Algebraic Volumes of Divisors; 1 Introduction; 2 Preliminaries; 2.1 Volumes on Projective Bundles; 2.2 Abelian Varieties; 3 Algebraic Volumes of Divisors; References; On Hirzebruch Type Inequalities and Applications; 1 Introduction; 2 Sylvester-Gallai Type Theorems; 3 De Bruijn-Erdös Theorem; References.
This volume contains extended abstracts outlining selected talks and other selected presentations given by participants of the workshop "Positivity and Valuations", held at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) in Barcelona from February 22nd to 26th, 2016. They include brief research articles reporting new results, descriptions of preliminary work or open problems, and the outcome of work in groups initiated during the workshop. The general subject is the application of valuation theory to positivity questions in algebraic geometry. The topics covered range from purely algebraic problems like finite generation of semigroups and algebras defined by valuations, and properties of the associated Poincaré series, to more geometric questions like resolution of singularities and properties of Newton-Okounkov bodies, linked with non-archimedean geometry and tropical geometry. The book is intended for established researchers, as well as for PhD and postdoctoral students who want to learn more about the latest advances in these highly active areas of research.--