Cover; Title Page; Preface; Contents; Alpha; 1. The Promise to David; 2. The Coming of John; 3. The Duty of Man; 4. The Six Commandments; 5. The Traditions of the Fathers; 6. The Sins of the Children; 7. Jairus' Daughter; 8. The Sermon by the Sea; 9. Friends and Family; 10. At Nazareth; 11. Approaching the Temple; 12. The Crucifixion; 13. The Rending of the Veil; 14. Maranatha; 15. The Churches; 16. The Elders; 17. The Patrons; 18. The Departure of the Rich; 19. The Virtue of Poverty; Beta; 20. Enter Paul; 21. The Son of God; 22. The Empty Tomb; 23. Paul's Conversion
24. The Syrophoenician Woman25. The Jerusalem Ruling; 26. The Jerusalem Five; 27. Mark at Perga; 28. Baptism and the Spirit; 29. The Heavenly Jesus; 30. A Letter to Philippi; 31. Freeing Onesimus; 32. Factions at Corinth; 33. Alpha Fights Back; 34. The Sermon on the Plain; 35. The Golden Rule; 36. The Inscrutable Steward; 37. The Sermon on the Way; 38. Restoring the Law; 39. Woes Unto the Pharisees; Crisis; 40. Yohanan ben Zakkai; 41. Including Alpha; 42. Preaching at Athens; 43. The Question of Women; 44. The Fullness of God; 45. Principalities and Powers; 46. The Bishops
47. A Baptismal Homily48. Toleration in the Synagogues; 49. A Hymn to the Light; 50. Light and Life; 51. The Wedding at Cana; 52. An Alpha Statement; 53. A Beta Appropriation; 54. A Beta Refusal; 55. An Alpha Response; Division; 56. Expulsion from the Synagogues; 57. Rejecting Judaism; 58. The Last Farewell; 59. Emergency in Pontus; 60. Troubles at Rome; 61. The Assertion of Control; 62. The Inner Quest; 63. A Hymn at Daybreak; 64. Finding Rest; 65. Once More in Pontus; 66. In Later Times; Afterword; End Matter; Chronology; Works Cited; Passages Included; Subject Index; Back Cover
Jesus and after.
Church history-- Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600.