Introduction: 'The UFOs Are Coming!'; 1. Close Encounters: Genre and Context; 2. Close Encounters: Influences and Production Background; 3. Close Encounters: Analysis; 4. Close Encounters: Cultural Impact; Conclusion: We Are Not Alone; Works Cited.
For many, Close Encounters of the Third Kind (CE3K) is not so much a movie as a religious experience. On its release in 1977, CE3K virtually redefined the science fiction film, shifting it away from spaceships, laser guns, and bug-eyed monsters into a modified form of science fiction that John Wyndham once called #x91;logical fantasy'. What would it be like if extra-terrestrials made contact with people on Earth? How would it feel? Like 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), Steven Spielberg's primary inspiration, CE3K is concerned with mankind's evolution towards the stars, towards a state of transcendence.
OverDrive, Inc.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Close encounters of the third kind (Motion picture)
Close encounters of the third kind (Motion picture)